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Paper   IPM / P / 14106
School of Physics
  Title:   Thermal Quench at Finite t'Hooft Coupling
1.  M. Ali-Akbari
2.  H. Ebrahim
3.  S. Heshmatian
  Status:   Published
  Journal: Nucl. Phys. B
  Vol.:  904
  Year:  2016
  Pages:   527-537
  Supported by:  IPM
Using holography we have studied thermal electric field quench for infinite and finite t'Hooft coupling constant. The set-up we consider here is D7-brane embedded in (α′ corrected) AdS-black hole background. It is well-known that due to a time-dependent electric field on the probe brane, a time-dependent current will be produced and it will relax to its final equilibrium value. We have studied the effect of different parameters of the system on equilibration time. As the most important results, we have observed a universal behaviour in the rescaled equilibration time in the very fast quench regime for different values of the temperature and α′ correction parameter. It seems that in the slow quench regime the system behaves adiabatically. We have also observed that the equilibration time decreases in finite t'Hooft coupling limit.

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