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Paper   IPM / Physic / 11529
School of Physics
  Title:   Light-Like Noncommutativity, Light-Front Quantization and New Light on IR/UV Mixing
1.  M.M. Sheikh-Jabbari
2.  A. Tureanu
  Status:   Published
  Journal: Phys. Lett. B
  Vol.:  697
  Year:  2011
  Pages:   63
  Supported by:  IPM
We revisit the problem of quantizing field theories on noncommutative Moyal spacetime with light-like noncommutativity. To tackle the issues arising from noncommuting and hence nonlocal time, we argue that for this case light-front quantization procedure should be employed. In this appropriate quantization scheme we perform the non-planar loop analysis for the light-like noncommutative field theories. One of the important and peculiar features of light-front quantization is that the UV cutoff of the light-cone Hamiltonian manifests itself as an IR cutoff for the light-cone momentum, p+. Due to this feature, the naive results of covariant quantization for the light-like case allude to the absence of the UV/IR mixing in the light-front quantization. However, by a careful analysis of non-planar loop integrals we show that this is not the case and the UV/IR mixing persists. In addition, we argue in favour of the perturbative unitarity of light-like noncommutative field theories in the light-front quantization scheme.

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