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Paper   IPM / Computer Science / 10899
School of Computer Science
  Title:   Performance Modeling of a Fully Adaptive and Fault-Tolerant Wormhole Switching Strategy in 2-D Mesh
1.  F. Safaei
2.  M. Fathy
3.  A. Khonsari
4.  M. Ould-Khaoua
  Status:   In Proceedings
  Proceeding: ICCSA
  Vol.:  3948
  Year:  2006
  Pages:   118-128
  Publisher(s):   LNCS, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg
  Supported by:  IPM
In recent years, many researchers have devoted much efforts to construct high performance interconnect networks resilient to faults. Their studies motivated by the fact that a network can be a major performance bottleneck in parallel processors; such as multiprocessors system-on-chip (Mp-SoCs), multicomputers and cluster computers. This paper proposes a new analytical model to predict message latency in 2-dimensional wormhole-switched mesh with a routing scheme suggested by Linder and Harden [1], as an instance of a faulttolerant routing widely used in literature to achieve high adaptivity. Furthermore, the validity of the proposed model is demonstrated by comparing analytical results to those conducted through simulation experiments of the actual system and show a good degree of accuracy with as many as 10

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