“Papers of School of Physics”


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  841. R. Emami, H. Firouzjahi, S.M.S. Movahed and M. Zarei,
Anisotropic Inflation from Charged Scalar Fields,
JCAP 1102(2011), 005   [abstract]

   MR arXiv:1010.5495842. F. Loran, M.M. Sheikh-Jabbari and M. Vincon ,
Beyond Logarithmic Corrections to the Cardy Formula,
JHEP 1101(2011), 110  [abstract]

   MR arXiv:1010.3561843. H. Cheraghchi, A.H. Irani, S.M. Fazeli and R. Asgari,
Metallic Phase of Disordered Graphene Superlattices with Long-Range Correlations,
Phys. Rev. B 83(2011), 235430  [abstract]

   844. M.M. Sheikh-Jabbari and A. Tureanu ,
Light-Like Noncommutativity, Light-Front Quantization and New Light on IR/UV Mixing,
Phys. Lett. B 697(2011), 63  [abstract]

   MR arXiv:1010.0317845. M. Ali-Akbari and K. Bitaghsir Fadafan,
Conductivity at finite 't Hooft coupling from AdS/CFT,
Nucl. Phys. B 844(2011), 397-408   [abstract]

   846. F. Loran and M.M. Sheikh-Jabbari,
Orientifolded Locally AdS3 Geometries,
Classical Quant. Grav. 28(2011), 025013  [abstract]

   MR arXiv:1008.0462847. A.A. Abolhasani and H. Firouzjahi,
No Large Scale Curvature Perturbations during Waterfall of Hybrid Inflation,
Phys. Rev. D 83(2011), 063513   [abstract]

   MR arXiv:1005.2934 848. M. Ali-Akbari and M.A. Ganjali,
Multiple Dp-Branes as a Dp+2-Brane,
Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 26(2011), 1045-1055  [abstract]

   MR arXiv:1002.0486849. H. Hatami, N. Abedpour, A. qaiumzadeh and R. Asgari,
Conductance of a Bilayer Graphene in The Presence of a Magnetic Field: Effect of Disorder,
Phys. Rev. B 83(2011), 125433  [abstract]

   850. A.A. Rahimi, M.Kh. Bahmani, A. Masoudnejad, M. Saâ??adati, , A. Khosravi and A. Shafiekhani,
Application of near-infrared spectroscopy and support vector machine in detection of HIV-1 infection,
Kowsar Medical Journal 15(2010), 23-29  [abstract]

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