“Papers of School of Physics”


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  1351. M.R. Setare,
Casimir Densities for Parallel Plate in the Domain Wall Background,
Classical Quant. Grav. 20(2003), 2669-2675  [abstract]

   MR hep-th/03050861352. M. Alishahiha and Amir E. Mosaffa,
On Effective Superpotentials and Compactification to Three Dimensions,
JHEP 05(2003), 064  [abstract]

   MR hep-th/03042471353. D. Kamani,
PP-Wave Strings from Membrane and from String in the Spacetime with Two Time Directions,
Phys. Lett. B 564(2003), 123-131  [abstract]

   MR hep-th/03042361354. H. Fakhri,
Generalized Klauder-Perelomov and Gazeau-Klauder Coherent States for Landau Levels,
Phys. Lett. A 313(2003), 243-251  [abstract]

   1355. M.R. Garousi,
Slowly Varying Tachyon and Tachyon Potential,
JHEP 05(2003), 058  [abstract]

   MR hep-th/03041451356. M.R. Setare and M.B. Altaie,
The Cardy-Verlinde Formula and Entropy of Topological Kerr-Newman Black Holes in de Sitter Spaces,
Eur. Phys. J. C 30(2003), 27-277  [abstract]

   MR hep-th/03040721357. M.R. Setare and Elias C. Vagenas,
Cardy-Verlinde Formula and Achúcarro-Ortiz Black Hole,
Phys. Rev. D 68(2003), 064014-1-5  [abstract]

   MR hep-th/03040601358. M.R. Garousi,
Off-Shell Extension of S-Matrix Elements and Tachyonic Effective Actions,
JHEP 04(2003), 027  [abstract]

   MR hep-th/03032391359. H. Eshraghi,
On the Vortex Dynamics in Fully Relativistic Plasmas,
Phys. Plasmas 10(2003), 3577-3583  [abstract]

   1360. H. Fakhri and A. Imaanpur,
Dirac Operator on Fuzzy AdS2,
JHEP 03(2003), 003  [abstract]

   MR hep-th/0302154back to top  

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