“Papers of School of Physics”


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  1301. M. H. Dehghani and H. KhajehAzad,
The Thermodynamics of Kerr-Newman-de Sitter Black Hole,
Can. J. Phys. 81(2003), 1363-1375  [abstract]

   MR hep-th/02092031302. A.A. Navabi and N. Riazi,
Is the Age Problem Resolved?,
J. Astrophys. Astronom. 24(2003), 3-10  [abstract]

   1303. M. Chaichian, P. Presnajder, M.M. Sheikh-Jabbari and A. Tureanu,
Noncommutative Standard Model: Model Building,
Eur. Phys. J. C 29(2003), 413-432  [abstract]

   MR hep-th/01070551304. B. Shokri and B. Jazi,
Excitation of Nonreciprocal Electromagnetic Surface Waves in Semibounded Magnetized Plasmas by An Electron Beam,
Phys. Plasmas 10(2003), 4622-4626  [abstract]

   1305. B. Shokri and B. Jazi,
Azimuthal Electromagnetic Surface Waves on An Annular Magnetized Plasma,
Phys. Lett. A 318(2003), 415-424  [abstract]

   1306. B. Mirza and T. Mardani,
Phenomenological Renormalization Group Approach to the Anisotropic Two-Layer Ising Model,
Eur. Phys. J. B 34(2003), 321-324  [abstract]

   MR cond-mat/04022361307. M. Haghighat and A. Dadkhah,
Coherent State for A Relativistic Spinless Particle,
Phys. Lett. A 316(2003), 271-278  [abstract]

   MR quant-ph/03062021308. M. Foroutan and M.A. Jafarizadeh,
Effects of Polydispersity on the Phase Coexistence Diagrams in Multiblock Copolymers with Laser Block Length Distribution,
Physica A 329(2003), 337-349  [abstract]

   MR cond-mat/02073771309. M.A. Jafarizadeh and S. Behnia,
Hierarchy of Random Chaotic Maps with An Invariant Measure,
J. Math. Phys. 44(2003), 5386-5400  [abstract]

   1310. Sh. Mamedov,
Motion of Colored Particle in A Chromomagnetic Field,
Eur. Phys. J. C 30(2003), 583-588  [abstract]

   MR hep-ph/0306179back to top  

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