“Papers of School of Particles And Accelerator”


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  321. H. Dashti-Naserabadi, A. A. Saberi and S. Rouhani,
Roughening transition and universality of single step growth models in (2+1)-dimensions,
New Journal of Physics 19(2017),   [abstract]

   322. M. Moosavi Nejad and S. Abbaspour,
Next-to-leading order corrections to the spin-dependent energy spectrum of hadrons from polarized top quark decay in the general two Higgs doublet model,
Nucl. Phys. B 921(2017), 86-103  [abstract]

   323. M. Alishahiha, A. Faraji Astaneh, A. Naseh and M. H. Vahidinia ,
On complexity for F(R) and critical gravity,
JHEP 1705(2017),   [abstract]

   324. J.A. Aguilar-Saavedra, C. Degrande and S. Khatibi,
Single top polarisation as a window to new physics,
Phys. Lett. B 769(2017), 498-502   [abstract]

   325. M. Dayyani Kelisani, S. Doebert and M. Aslaninejad,
Low emittance design of the electron gun and the focusing channel of the Compact Linear Collider drive beam,
Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams 20(2017),   [abstract]

   326. H. Kanpour, S. Taheri Monfared and S. Atashbar Tehrani,
Nucleon spin structure functions at NNLO in the presence of target mass corrections and higher twist effects,
Phys. Rev. D 95(2017),   [abstract]

arXive.org link: arXiv:1703.09209 [hep-ph] [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
327. S. Shoeibi, H. Khanpour, F. Taghavi-Shahri and K. Javidan,
Determination of neutron fracture functions a global QCD analysis of leading neutron production at HERA,
Phys. Rev. D 95(2017),   [abstract]

arXive.org link: arXiv:1703.04369 [hep-ph] [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
328. S.M. Moosavi Nejad and S. Abbaspour,
QCD analysis of light charged Higgs production through polarized top quark decay in two different frames,
Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP) 51.(2017),   [abstract]

arXive.org link: arXiv:1611.08017 [hep-ph] [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
329. H. Khanpour, S. Khatibi and M. Mohammadi Najafabadi,
Probing Higgs boson couplings in H+γ production at the LHC,
Phys. Lett. B 773(2017), 462-469  [abstract]

arXive.org link: arXiv:1702.05753 [hep-ph] [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
330. H. Khanpour and M. Mohammadi Najafabadi,
Constraining Higgs boson effective couplings at electron-positron colliders,
Phys. Rev. D 95(2017),   [abstract]

arXive.org link: arXiv:1702.00951 [hep-ph] [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
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