“Papers of School of Computer Science”
Detecting threats in star graphs,
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 20(2009), 474-483 [abstract]
2. M. Haghir Chehreghani, H. Abolhassani and M. Haghir,
Improving density-based methods for hierarchical clustering of web pages,
Data & Knowledge Engineering 67(2008), 30-50 [abstract]
3. M. Gholipour and M. R. Meybodi,
LA-Mobicast: A Learning Automata Based Mobicast Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks,
6(2008), 305-311 [abstract]
4. H. Beigy and M. R. Meybodi,
Asynchronous cellular learning automata,
automatica 44(2008), 1350-1357 [abstract]
5. M. Taghdimi and H. Sarbazi-Azad,
Processor allocation algorithms in multicomputerss,
(2008), [abstract]
6. H. Hashemi-Najafabadi and H. Sarbazi-Azad,
Combinatorial performance modelling of toroidal cubes,
Journal of Systems Architecture 54(2008), 241-252 [abstract]
7. A. Patooghy and H. Sarbazi-Azad,
An accurate mathematical performance model of partially adaptive routing in binary n-cube multiprocessors,
Mathematical and Computer Modeling 48(2008), 34-45 [abstract]
8. A. Mahabadi, H. Sarbazi-Azad, E. Khodaei and K. Navi,
Parallel Lagrange interpolation on k-ary n-cubes with maximum channel utilization,
The Journal of Supercomputing 46(2008), 1-14 [abstract]
9. M. R. Hoseiny-Farahabadi, N. Imani and H. Sarbazi-Azad,
Some Topological and Combinatorial Properties of WK-Recursive Mesh and WK-Pyramid Interconnection Networks,
Journal of Systems Architecture 54(2008), 967-976 [abstract]
10. N. Imani, H. Sarbazi-Azad and S.G. Akl,
Some topological properties of star graphs: The surface area and volume,
Discrete Mathematics 309(2008), 560-569 [abstract]
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