“Papers of School of Cognitive Sciences”


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  631. M.R. Zarrindast, R. Massoudi, H. Sepehri and A. Rezayof,
Involvement of GABA(B) receptors of the dorsal hippocampus on the acquisition and expression of morphine-induced place,
PHYSIOL BEHAV 87(2006), 31-38  [abstract]

   632. A. Rezayof, H. Zatali, A. Haeri-Rohani and M.R. Zarrindast,
Dorsal hippocampal muscarinic and nicotinic receptors are involved in mediating morphine reward,
BEHAV BRAIN RES 166(2006), 281-290  [abstract]

   633. M.R. Zarrindast, M. Farahmandfar, P. Rostami and A. Rezayof,
The influence of central administration of dopaminergic and cholinergic agents on morphine-induced amnesia in morphine-sensitized mice,
J PSYCHOPHARMACOL 20(2006), 59-66  [abstract]

   634. G.A. Hossein Zadeh, B.A. Ardekani and H. Soltanian Zadeh,
Linear and Nonlinear Modeling of The Hemodynamic System in fMRI,
INT J ENG SCI 16(2005), 45-54  [abstract]

   635. H. Jahanian, H. Soltanian Zadeh and G.A. Hossein Zadeh,
Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Activation Detection: Fuzzy Cluster Analysis in Wavelet and Multiwavelet Domains,
Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 22(2005), 381-389  [abstract]

   636. C. Lucas and B. Nadjar Araabi,
Hierarchical Image Segmentation Using Ant Colony and Chemical Computing Approach,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3611(2005), 1250-1258  [abstract]

   637. M.A. Khoshoodi, R. Motiei Langroudi, M. Omrani, F. Ghaderi Pakdel and A. Abbasian,
Kinesthetic Memory in Distance Reproduction Task: Importance of Initial Hand Position Information,
Experimental Brain Research 97(2005), 276-281  [abstract]

   638. R. Ebrahimpour, S.R. Ehteram and E. Kabir,
Face Recognition by Multiple Classifiers, a Divide-and-Conquer Approach,
LECT NOTES ARTIF INT 3683(2005), 225-232  [abstract]

   639. M.R. Zarrindast, S. Fazli-Tabaei , A. Khalilzadeh, M. Farahmanfar and SH. Yahyavi ,
Cross state-dependent retrieval between histamine and lithium,
PHYSIOL BEHAV 86(2005), 154-163  [abstract]

   640. M.R. Zarrindast, Z. Fattahi, P. Rostami and A. Rezayof,
Role of the cholinergic system in the rat basolateral amygdala on morphine-induced conditioned place preference,
Pharmacology. Biochemistry and Behavior 82(2005), 1-10  [abstract]

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