“Papers of School of Cognitive Sciences”


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  401. A. Khadem and G.A. Hossein-Zadeh,
Estimation of direct nonlinear effective connectivity using information theory and multilayer perceptron,
Journal of Neuroscience Methods 229(2014), 53-67  [abstract]

   402. M. Latifi-Navid, K. Elisevich and H. Soltanian-Zadeh,
Algorithmic Analysis of Clinical and Neuropsychological Data in Localization-Related Epilepsy,
IJCMAM 4(2014), 33-58  [abstract]

   403. N. Emadi, R. Rajimehr and H. Esteky,
High baseline activity in inferior temporal cortex improves neural and behavioral discriminability during visual categorization,
Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience 8(2014), 1-13  [abstract]

   404. M. Behroozi and M.R. Daliri,
Predicting brain states associated with object categories from fMRI data,
Journal of Integrative Neuroscience 13(2014), 1-23  [abstract]

   405. M. Ghodrati, K. Rajaei and R. Ebrahimpour,
The importance of visual features in generic vs. specialized object recognition: a computational study,
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience (2014), 1-15  [abstract]

   406. M. Ghodrati, A. Farzmahdi, K. Rajaei, R. Ebrahimpour and M. Khaligh-Razavi,
Feedforward object-vision models only tolerate small image variations compared to human,
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 8(2014), 1-17  [abstract]

   407. S. zabbah, K. Rajaei, A. Mirzaei, R. Ebrahimpour and M. Khaligh-Razavi,
The impact of the lateral geniculate nucleus and corticogeniculate interactions on efficient coding and higher-order visual object processing,
Vision Research 101(2014), 82-93  [abstract]

   408. N. Emadi and H. Esteky,
Behavioral demand modulates object category representation in the inferior temporal cortex,
Journal of Neurophysiology 112(2014), 2628-2637  [abstract]

   409. M Esghaei and M.R. Daliri,
Decoding of Visual Attention from LFP Signals of Macaque MT,
Plos One (2014),   [abstract]

   410. M. Taghizadeh-Sarabi, M. Daliri and K. Salehzadeh Niksirat,
Decoding Objects of Basic Categories from Electroencephalographic Signals Using Wavelet Transform and Support Vector Machines,
Brain Topogr (2014),   [abstract]

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