“Papers of School of Cognitive Sciences”


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  351. SM. Shams, B. Afshin-Pour, H. Soltanian-Zadeh, GA. Hossein-Zadeh and S. Strother,
Automated iterative reclustering framework for determining hierarchical functional networks in resting state fMRI,
Human Brain Mapping 36(2015), 3303-3322  [abstract]

   352. A. Khadem, GA. Hossein-Zadeh and A. Khorrami,
Long-Range Reduced Predictive Information Transfers of Autistic Youths in EEG Sensor-Space During Face Processing,
Brain Topogr 29(2015), 283-295  [abstract]

   353. M. Afzali, E. Fatemizadeh and H. Soltanian-Zadeh,
Interpolation of orientation distribution functions in diffusion weighted imaging using multi-tensor model,
Journal of Neuroscience Methods 253(2015), 28-37  [abstract]

   354. M. Nasehi, M. Tabatabaie, F. Khakpai and M.R. Zarrindast,
The effects of CA1 5HT4 receptors in MK801-induced amnesia and hyperlocomotion,
Neuroscience Letters 587(2015), 73-78  [abstract]

   355. N. Ahmadi-Mahmoodabadi, M. Nasehi, M. Emam-ghoreishi and M.R. Zarrindast,
Synergistic effect between prelimbic 5-HT3 and CB1 receptors on memory consolidation deficit in adult male Sprague-Dawley rats: An isobologram analysis,
Neuroscience (2015),   [abstract]

   356. K. Kangarlu-Haghighi, S. Oryan, M. Nasehi and M.R. Zarrindast,
The effect of BLA GABA(A) receptors in anxiolytic-like effect and aversive memory deficit induced by ACPA,
EXCLI 14(2015), 613-626  [abstract]

   357. H. Zanganeh Momtaz and M.R. Daliri,
Predicting the eye fixation locations in the gray scale images in the visual scenes with different semantic contents,
Cognitive Neurodynamics (2015), 1-16  [abstract]

   358. Z. Seif and M.R. Daliri,
Evaluation of local field potential signals in decoding of visual attention,
Cognitive Neurodynamics 9(2015), 509-522  [abstract]

   359. M. Behroozi, M.R. Daliri and B. Shekarchi,
EEG phase patterns reflect the representation of semantic categories of objects,
Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing (2015), 1-17  [abstract]

   360. H. Zanganeh Momtaz and M.R. Daliri,
Differences of eye movement pattern in natural and man-made scenes and image categorization with the help of these patterns,
Journal of Integrative Neuroscience 14(2015), 1-18  [abstract]

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