“Papers of School of Cognitive Sciences”


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  231. S. Rashid Shomali, M. Nili Ahmadabadi, S. N. Rasuli and H. Shimazaki,
Uncovering Network Architecture Using an Exact Statistical Input-Output Relation of a Neuron Model,
bioRxiv (2019), 1-28  [abstract]

DOI: doi.org/10.1101/479956

   232. A. Roostaei, G. Vaezi, M. Nasehi, A. Haeri-Rohani and M. Zarrindast,
The Involvement of D1 and D2 Dopamine Receptors in the Restoration Effect of Left Frontal Anodal, but not Cathodal, tDCS on Streptozocin-Induced Amnesia,
Archives of Iranian Medicine (2019), 144-154  [abstract]

   233. A. Mazaheri, H. Memarian, B. Tokhmechi and B. Nadjar Araabi,
Cell size optimization for fracture measure estimation in multi-scale studies within oil wells,
CARBONATES AND EVAPORITES (2019), 261-272  [abstract]
DOI: 10.1007/s13146-017-0378-x

   234. E. Ebrahimzadeh, H. Soltanian-Zadeh, B. NadjarAraabi, S. HashemiFesharaki and J. MehvariHabibabadi,
Component-related BOLD response to localize epileptic focus using simultaneous EEG-fMRI recordings at 3T,
Journal of Neuroscience Methods 322(2019), 34-49  [abstract]
DOI: 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2019.04.010

   235. M. Tahmasian, A. Sepehry, F. Samea, T. Khodadadifar, Z. Soltaninejad, N. Javaheripour, H. Khazaie, M. Zarei, S. Eickhoff and C. Eickhoff,
Practical recommendations to conduct a neuroimaging meta-analysis for neuropsychiatric disorders,
Human Brain Mapping (2019), 5142-5154  [abstract]
DOI: 10.1002/hbm.24746

   236. H. Soleymani, M. Ghorbani, A. Allahverdi, S. ShojaeiLangari and H. Naderi-manesh,
Activation of human insulin by vitamin E: A molecular dynamics simulation study,
JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR GRAPHICS & MODELLING 91(2019), 194-203  [abstract]
DOI: 10.1016/j.jmgm.2019.06.006

   237. M. Ghorbani, H. Soleymani, A. Allahverdi, S. Shojaeilangari and H. Naderimanesh,
Effects of natural compounds on conformational properties and hairpin formation of amyloid-B42 monomer: docking and molecular dynamics simulation study,
DOI: 10.1080/07391102.2019.1664934

   238. P. Naghibirad, A. Shahroudi, H. Shabani, S. Ajami and R. Lashgari,
Encoding Pleasant and Unpleasant Expression of the Architectural Window Shapes: An ERP Study,
Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience (2019), 1-10  [abstract]
DOI: doi.org/10.3389/fnbeh.2019.00186

   239. E. Yargholi, G. Hoddein-zadeh and R. Rajimehr,
Predicting BOLD activity in FFA from the activity in other visual areas,
Brain connectivity (2019), 329-340  [abstract]
DOI: 10.1089/brain.2018.0624

   240. E. Yargholi and G. Hoddein-zadeh,
Cross recurrence quantifiers as new connectivity measures for structure learning of Bayesian networks in brain decoding,
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 123(2019), 263-274  [abstract]
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chaos.2019.04.019

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