“Papers of School of Physics”


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  781. M. Kanduc, A. Naji, J. Forsman and R. Podgornik,
Attraction between Neutral Dielectrics Mediated by Multivalent Ions in an Asymmetric Ionic Fluid,
J. Chem. Phys. 137(2012), 174704  [abstract]

   MR arXiv:1208.3579782. M. Roshan,
Parametrized post-Newtonian virial theorem,
Classical Quant. Grav. 29(2012), 215001  [abstract]

   783. A. Esmaeili and Y. Farzan,
Implications of the Pseudo-Dirac Scenario for Ultra High Energy Neutrinos from GRBs,
JCAP 1212(2012), 014  [abstract]

   MR 1208.6012784. Y. Farzan and A. Rezaei Akbarieh,
A model for Vector Dark Matter,
JCAP 10(2012), 026  [abstract]

   MR 1207.4272 [hep-ph]785. Y. Farzan and E. Ma,
Dirac Neutrino Mass Generation from Dark Matter,
Phys. Rev. D 86(2012), 033007  [abstract]

   MR 1204.4890 [hep-ph]786. Y. Farzan,
Flavoring Monochromatic Neutrino Flux from Dark Matter Annihilation,
JHEP 1202(2012), 091  [abstract]

   MR 1111.1063 [hep-ph]787. H. Rostami and R. Asgari,
Electronic Ground State Properties of Strained Graphene,
Phys. Rev. B 86(2012), 155435  [abstract]

   788. S. Abedinpour, R. Asgari and M. Polini,
Theory of Correlations in Strongly Interacting Fluids of Two-Dimensional Dipolar Bosons,
Phys. Rev. A 86(2012), 043601  [abstract]

   789. A. Principi, M. Carrega, R. Asgari, V. Pellegrini and M. Polini,
Plasmons and Coulomb Drag in Dirac/Schroedinger Hybrid Electron Systems,
Phys. Rev. B (Editor's Suggestion) 86(2012), 085421  [abstract]

   790. A. Mashaghi, P. Partovi-Azar, T. Jadidi, N. Nafari, K. Esfarjani, Ph. Maass, M. R. Rahimi Tabar, H. J. Bakker and M. Bonn,
Interfacial Water Facilitates Energy Transfer by Inducing Extended Vibrations in Membrane Lipids,
J. Phys. Chem. B 116(2012), 6455-6460  [abstract]

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