“Papers of School of Cognitive Sciences”


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  681. C. Lucas, D. Shahmirzadi and N. Sheikholeslami,
Brain Emotional Learning Based Intelligent Controller,
INTELL AUTOM SOFT CO 10(2004), 11-22  [abstract]

   682. H. Sahraei, G. Pirzadeh-Jahromi, M. Noorbakhshnia, A. Asgari, A. Haeri-Rohani, A. Khoshbaten, GR. Poorheidari, H. Sepehri, H. Ghoshooni and MR. Zarrindast ,
Involvement of nucleus accumbens in L-arginine-induced conditioned place preference in rats,
Behavioral Pharmacology 15(2004), 473-480  [abstract]

   683. M.R. Zarrindast, M.R. Jafari, B. Shafaghi and B. Djahanguiri,
Influence of potassium channel modulators on morphine state-dependent memory of passive avoidance,
Behavioral Pharmacology 15(2004), 103-110  [abstract]

   684. H. Sahraei, M. Falahi, M.R.. Zarrindast, M. Sabetkasaei, M. H. Ghoshooni and M. Khalili,
The effects of nitric oxide on the acquisition and expression of nicotine-induced conditioned place preference in mice,
EUR J PHARMACOL 503(2004), 81-87  [abstract]

   685. M. Omrani, M.A. Khoshnoodi, P. Pakarian, A. Abbasian and S. Shahzadi,
Resistance of Peripheral and Sub-Cortical Somatosensory pathway to Electrical Noise,
SOMATOSENS MOT RES 21(2004), 155-158  [abstract]

   686. S.R. Afraz, M. Vaziri pashkam, R. Kiani and H. Esteky,
Motion induced overestimation of the number of items in a display,
Perception 33(2004), 915-925  [abstract]

   687. M.R. Zarrindast, K. Nojoomi, M. Sharifzadeh and A. Mokri,
Nitric Oxide Agents and Apomorphine-Induced Rat Behaviors,
PHARMACOLOGY 71(2004), 169-173  [abstract]

   688. R. Rajimehr,
Static motion aftereffect does not modulate positional representations in early visual areas,
COGNITIVE BRAIN RES (2004), 323-327  [abstract]

   689. B. Babadi,
Stimulus transmission by tonic and burst responses in a minimal model of thalamic circuit,
Neurocomputing 58-60(2004), 7-12  [abstract]

   690. L. Amini, H. Soltanian Zadeh, C. Lucas and M. Gity,
Automatic Segmentation of Thalamus from Brain MRI Integration Fuzzy Clustering and Dynamic Contours,
IEEE Trans. Biomedicine Eng. 51(2004), 800 - 811  [abstract]

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