“Papers of School of Cognitive Sciences”


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  661. M.R. Zarrindast, S. Fazli-Tabaei , A. Khalilzadeh, M. Farahmanfar and SH. Yahyavi ,
Cross state-dependent retrieval between histamine and lithium,
PHYSIOL BEHAV 86(2005), 154-163  [abstract]

   662. M.R. Zarrindast, Z. Fattahi, P. Rostami and A. Rezayof,
Role of the cholinergic system in the rat basolateral amygdala on morphine-induced conditioned place preference,
Pharmacology. Biochemistry and Behavior 82(2005), 1-10  [abstract]

   663. M.R. Zarrindast, M. Nasehi, P. Rostami, A. Rezayof and S. Fazli-Tabaei,
Repeated administration of dopaminergic agents in the dorsal hippocampus and morphine-induced place preference,
Behavioral Pharmacology 16(2005), 85-92  [abstract]

   664. L. Montaser Kouhsari and R. Rajimehr,
Subliminal attentional modulation in crowding condition,
Vision Research 45(2005), 839-844  [abstract]

   665. B. Noudoost, M. Adibi, A. Moeeny and H. Esteky,
Configural and analytical processing of familiar and unfamiliar objects,
COGNITIVE BRAIN RES 24(2005), 436-441  [abstract]

   666. R. Farazifard, R. Kiani and H. Esteky,
Effects of GABAA receptor inhibition on response properties of barrel cortical neurons in C-Fiber depleted rats,
Brain Research 1050(2005), 27-32  [abstract]

   667. M.R. Zarrindast, Z. Farajzadeh, P. Rostami, A. Rezayof and P. Nourjah,
Involvement of the ventral tegmental area (VTA) in morphine-induced memory retention in morphine-sensitized rats,
BEHAV BRAIN RES 163(2005), 100-106  [abstract]

   668. R. Kiani, H. Esteky and K. Tanaka,
Differences in Onset Latency of Macaque Inferotemporal Neural Responses to Primate and Non-primate Faces,
J NEUROPHYSIOL 94(2005), 1587-1596  [abstract]

   669. A.R. Komaki and H. Esteky,
Effects of neonatal C-fiber depletion on neocortical long-term potentiation and depression,
Brain Research 1054(2005), 135-142  [abstract]

   670. B. Babadi,
Bursting as an effective relay mode in a minimal thalamic model,
Journal of Computational Neuroscience (2005), 229-243  [abstract]

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