“Papers of School of Particles And Accelerator”


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  411. M. Ali-Akbari, H. Ebrahim and Z. Rezaei,
Probe Branes Thermalization in External Electric and Magnetic Fields,
Nucl. Phys. B 878(2014), 150-168  [abstract]

arXive.org link: arXiv:1307.5629 [hep-ph] [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
412. C. Meng, V. A. Dimov1, R. Garoby, JB. Lallement, A. Lombardi, J.Y. Tang and M. Yarmohammadi Satri,
Energy measurement and longitudinal beam emittance reconstruction in L4T line,
CERN-ATS-NOTE (2013), 1-18  [abstract]

   413. G. Bellodi, A. Akroh, O. Andreassen, J-F . Comblin, V. Dimov, J-B . Lallement, A M. Lombardi, C. Martin, O. Midttun, E. Ovalle, U. Raich, F. Roncarolo, C. Rossi, R. Scrivens, J. Vollaire, M. Yarmohammadi Satri and F. Zocca,
3 MeV Test Stand commissioning report,
CERN-ACC (2013), 1-74  [abstract]

   414. M. Yarmohammadi satri and A. Lombardi,
Effect Of The LEBT Solenoid Magnetic Field On The Beam Generation For Particle Tracking,
CERN-ACC-NOTE (2013), 1-6  [abstract]

   415. M. Alishahiha and D. Allahbakhshi,
Probing Fractionalized Charges,
Advances in High Energy Physics (2013),   [abstract]

arXive.org link: arXiv:1301.4815 [hep-th] [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
416. M. Alishahiha, D. Allahbakhshi and A. Naseh,
Entanglement thermodynamics,
JHEP 08(2013),   [abstract]

arXive.org link: arXiv:1305.2728 [hep-th] [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
417. S. Fayazbakhsh and N. Sadooghi,
Two-flavor color superconductivity at finite temperature, chemical potential and in the presence of strong magnetic fields,
PoS ConfinementX 294(2013),   [abstract]

arXive.org link: arXiv:1302.0622 [hep-ph] [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
418. S. Fayazbakhsh and N. Sadooghi,
Weak decay constant of neutral pions in a hot and magnetized quark matter,
Phys. Rev. D D88(2013),   [abstract]

arXive.org link: arXiv:1306.2098 [hep-ph] [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
419. S. M. Moosavi Nejad and A. Armat,
Calculation of B-meson fragmentation function considering the effect of meson mass,
Iranian Journal of Physics 13(2013), 141-148  [abstract]

   420. A. A. Saberi,
Growth models on the Bethe lattice,
Europhys. Lett. 103(2013),   [abstract]

arXive.org link: arXiv:1307.5661 [hep-ph] [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
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