Thursday 26 December 2024 |
Events for day: Wednesday 16 August 2023 |
11:00 - 12:00 Wednesday Weekly Seminar - meeting Neutron decay into a Dark Sector via Leptoquarks School PARTICLES AND ACCELERATORS Abstract: In this talk, neutron lifetime anomaly will be introduced, one of the intriguing challenges in particle physics. Then, we will show that if we introduce Leptoquarks (LQ) coupling to scalar dark matter (DM), there is an exotic decay channel for the neutron into scalar DM and an SM anti-neutrino. If the branching ratio of this new neutron decay channel is 1%, a long-standing discrepancy in the measured neutron lifetime between two different experimental methods, bottle and beam experiments, can be solved. The mass of the scalar DM produced from neutron decay should be in a narrow range and as a result, its production in ... 15:30 - 17:00 Geometry and Topology Weekly Seminar Geometric Test for Topological Phases of Quantum Matter School MATHEMATICS Strongly-correlated quantum systems are often extremely fragile and notoriously hard to control, which poses challenges for possible technological applications. That is why a certain subclass of quantum states, the so-called topological phases of matter, recently attracted much attention. These are characterised by a certain degree of stability and robustness under perturbations, rooted in their special mathematical properties. Apriori, it is not always clear whether a given quantum state of matter is topological or not. We propose a mathematical criterion, which we call ''the geometric test", to tell whether a state of matter is in a topolog ... |