Monday 30 December 2024 |
Events for day: Wednesday 22 February 2023 |
09:00 - 16:00 Neuroscience Symposium 2023 fMRI Principles & Practice School COGNITIVE SCIENCES ... 14:00 - 15:00 Combinatorics and Computing Weekly Seminar Saturation Numbers in Random Graphs School MATHEMATICS For some fixed graph $F$, a graph $G$ is said to be $F$-saturated if it is a maximal $F$-free graph, i.e., $G$ does not contain any copies of $F$ as a subgraph, but adding any missing edge to $G$ creates one. The saturation number $sat(n, F)$ is defined to be the minimum number of edges in an $F$-saturated graph on $n$ vertices. The saturation problem of finding $sat(n, F)$ is in some sense the opposite of the well-known Tur{a}n problem. Since the 1960s, the saturation number $sat(n, F)$ has been extensively studied for various different choices of $F$. In this talk, we consider the random analog of this problem: minimizing the number of edge ... 14:00 - 15:00 Wednesday Weekly Seminar - meeting Multiple Transitions in Vacuum Dark Energy and H0 Tension School PARTICLES AND ACCELERATORS Abstract: The standard model of cosmology called ?CDM provides good consistency to a large span of observational data. In recent years with the improvement of the number and accuracy of cosmological observations, some discrepancies between key cosmological parameters of the standard model have emerged. The most statistically significant tension is the ~5? disagreement between predictions of the Hubble constant, H0, made by the early time observations (CMB) and a number of late-time, model-independent determinations of H0 from local measurements of distances and redshifts. In this talk, I review some aspects of cosmic tensions a ... 16:00 - 17:00 Mathematics Colloquium Moving Interfaces and Free Boundary problems School MATHEMATICS The term moving interfaces and free boundary refers to a class of problems in which the domain of the problem itself is also an a priori unknown, as well as the basic unknown solution to governing equations. Hence, finding the domain is part of the problem. In this lecture I shall present some basic models in moving interfaces and free boundary problems. These includes obstacle problem, Stefan problem, Hele-Shaw flow and Muskat problem. I will also review the state of art for regularity results in obstacle problem. Subscribing the Mathematics Colloquium mailing list: ... |