“Shokrollah Salarian”

Tel: (+98)(311)7932299
Fax: (+98)(311)7932308

IPM Positions |
Senior Associate Researcher, School of Mathematics - Isfahan Branch
(2016 - 2020 (Resident In Isfahan from March 20, 2016 till March 19, 2020)) |
Past IPM Positions |
Senior Associate Researcher, School of Mathematics
(2010 - 2015) (till September 21 In Isfahan branch ) Associate Researcher (non-resident), School of Mathematics (2009 - 2010) Associate Researcher, School of Mathematics (2008 - 2009) Associate Researcher (non-resident), School of Mathematics (2004 - 2008) (Until June ) Associate Researcher, School of Mathematics (1999 - 2004) |
Non IPM Affiliations |
Professor of University of Isfahan | ||
Awards |
Local cohomology, Associated primes, Homological dimension | ||
Related Papers |
1. | Sh. Salarian and R. Vahed (Joint with E. Mahdavi) Galois covering of pure-semisimple categories Kyoto J. Math. (Accepted) [abstract] |
2. | Sh. Salarian (Joint with A.Bahlekeh and F. Sadat Fotouhi) Representation-theoretic properties of balanced big Cohen-Macaulay modules Math. Z. (2019), DOI: 10.1007/s00209-019-02257-1 [abstract] |
3. | Sh. Salarian (Joint with A.Bahlekeh and F. Sadat Fotouhi) Gorenstein orders of finite lattice type J. Algebra (Accepted) [abstract] |
4. | A. Bahlekeh, A. Mahin Fallah and Sh. Salarian Specifying the Auslander Transpose in submodule category and its applications Kyoto J. Math. (2017), DOI: 10.1215/21562261-2018-0010 [abstract] |
5. | Sh. Salarian (Joint with A. Bahlekeh, and T. Kakaei) On the Auslander-Reiten conjecture for Cohen-Macaulay rings and path algebras Comm. Algebra (Accepted) [abstract] |
6. | A. Bahlehkeh and Sh. Salarian (Joint with E. Hakimian and R. Takahashi) Annihilation of cohomology, geneation of modules and finiteness of derived dimension Quart. J. Math. (Accepted) [abstract] |
7. | H. Eshraghi, R. Hafezi and Sh. Salarian (Joint with Z. W. Li) Gorenstein projective modules over triangular matrix rings Algebra Colloq. 23 (2016), 97-104 [abstract] |
8. | A. Bahlekeh and Sh. Salarian (Joint with A. M. Fallah) On the Auslander-Reiten conjecture for algebras J. Algebra 427 (2015), 252-263 [abstract] |
9. | Sh. Salarian and R. Vahed Specifying the Auslander-Reiten translation for complexes of modules Forum Math. (Accepted) [abstract] |
10. | Sh. Salarian (Joint with R. Vahed) Almost split sequences in the category of complexes of modules J. Algebra Appl. (Accepted) [abstract] |
11. | A. Bahlekeh and Sh. Salarian Virtual Gorensteinness over group algebras Kyoto J. Math. (Accepted) [abstract] |
12. | J. Asadollahi, R. Hafezi and Sh. Salarian Homotopy category of projective complexes and complexes of Gorenstein projective modules J. Algebra 399 (2014), 423-444 [abstract] |
13. | A. Bahlekeh and Sh. Salarian New results related to a conjecture of Moore Archiv der Mathematik 100 (2013), 231-239 [abstract] |
14. | Sh. Salarian (Joint with E. Hosseini) A cotorsion theory in the homotopy category of flat quasi-coherent sheaves Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 141 (2013), 753-762 [abstract] |
15. | H. Eshraghi, R. Hafezi, E. Hosseini and Sh. Salarian Cotorsion theory in the category of quiver representations J. Algebra Appl. (Accepted) [abstract] |
16. | H. Eshraghi, R. Hafezi and Sh. Salarian Total acyclicity for complexes of representations of quivers Comm. Algebra (Accepted) [abstract] |
17. | J. Asadollahi and Sh. Salarian Cohomoloy theories based on flats J. Algebra 353 (2012), 93-120 [abstract] |
18. | J. Asadollahi, Sh. Salarian and R. Sazeedeh On the local cohomology and support for triangulated categories Kyoto J. Math. 51 (2011), 811-829 [abstract] |
19. | J. Asadollahi, H. Eshraghi, R. Hafezi and Sh. Salarian On the homotopy categories of projective and injective representations of quivers J. Algebra 346 (2011), 101-115 [abstract] |
20. | J. Asadollahi, A. Bahlekeh, A. Hajizamani and Sh. Salarian On certain homological invariants of groups J. Algebra 335 (2011), 18-35 [abstract] |
21. | J. Asadollahi and Sh. Salarian (Joint with F. Jahanshahi) Generalized divisors and total reflexivity Comm. Algebra 39 (2011), 888-904 [abstract] |
22. | J. Asadollahi and Sh. Salarian (A. Hajizamani) Periodic flat resolutions and periodicity in group (co)homology Forum Math. (2010), doi: 10.1515/FORM.2011.060 [abstract] |
23. | J. Asadollahi and Sh. Salarian Dimension formulas for modules finite over local homomorphisms Taiwanese J. Math. 14 (2010), 1677-1687 [abstract] |
24. | J. Asadollahi and Sh. Salarian (Joint with A. Bahlekeh) On the hierarchy of cohomological dimensions of groups J. Pure Appl. Algebra 213 (2009), 1795-1803 [abstract] |
25. | J. Asadollahi and Sh. Salarian (Joint with F. Jahanshahi) Complete cohomology and Gorensteinness of schemes J. Algebra 319 (2008), 2626-2651 [abstract] |
26. | J. Asadollahi and Sh. Salarian Cohomology theories for complexes J. Pure Appl. Algebra 210 (2007), 771–787 [abstract] |
27. | J. Asadollahi and Sh. Salarian On the annihilation of local cohomology modules J. Math. Kyoto Univ. 46 (2006), 357-365 [abstract] |
28. | Sh. Salarian and S. Yassemi (Joint with S. Sather-Wagstaff) Characterizing local rings via homological dimensions and regular sequences J. Pure Appl. Algebra 207 (2006), 99-108 [abstract] |
29. | J. Asadollahi and Sh. Salarian On the vanishing of EXT over formal triangular matrix rings Forum Math. 18 (2006), 951-966 [abstract] |
30. | J. Asadollahi and Sh. Salarian Cohomology theories based on Gorenstein injective modules Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 358 (2006), 2183-2203 [abstract] |
31. | K. Khashyarmanesh and Sh. Salarian Uniform annihilation of local cohomology modules over a Gorenstein ring Comm. Algebra 34 (2006), 1625 – 1630 [abstract] |
32. | J. Asadollahi and Sh. Salarian Lower and upper bounds for cohen-macaulay dimension Bull. Aust. Math. Soc. 71 (2005), 337-346 [abstract] |
33. | J. Asadollahi and Sh. Salarian Gorenstein test modules Comm. Algebra 33 (2005), 3439 – 3446 [abstract] |
34. | J. Asadollahi and Sh. Salarian Cohen-Macaulay dimension of modules over Noetherian rings Rocky Mountain J. Math. 35 (2005), 1069-1076 [abstract] |
35. | J. Asadollahi and Sh. Salarian Gorenstein injective and flat resolution of modules over Gorenstein rings Comm. Algebra 32 (2004), 4415-4432 [abstract] |
36. | J. Asadollahi and Sh. Salarian Gorenstein objects in triangulated categories J. Algebra 281 (2004), 264-286 [abstract] |
37. | J. Asadollahi and Sh. Salarian Generalized Cohen-Macaulay dimension J. Algebra 273 (2004), 384-394 [abstract] |
38. | J. Asadollahi and Sh. Salarian Buchsbaum and monomial conjecture dimension Comm. Algebra 32 (2004), 3969-3979 [abstract] |
39. | K. Khashyarmanesh and Sh. Salarian Faltings' theorem for the annihilation of local cohomology modules over a Gorenstein ring Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 132 (2004), 2215-2220 [abstract] |
40. | K. Khashyarmanesh and Sh. Salarian On the rings whose injective hulls are flat Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 131 (2003), 2329-2335 [abstract] |
41. | J. Asadollahi, K. Khashyarmanesh and Sh. Salarian A generalization of the cofiniteness problem in local cohomology modules J. Aust. Math. Soc. 75 (2003), 313-324 [abstract] |
42. | J. Asadollahi, K. Khashyarmanesh and Sh. Salarian On the minimal flat resolutions of modules Comm. Algebra 30 (2002), 3813-3823 [abstract] |
43. | K. Khashyarmanesh and Sh. Salarian A finiteness result for local cohomology modules Comm. Algebra 30 (2002), 3821-4826 [abstract] |
44. | J. Asadollahi, K. Khashyarmanesh and Sh. Salarian On the finiteness properties of the generalized local cohomology modules Comm. Algebra 30 (2002), 859-867 [abstract] |
45. | K. Khashyarmanesh and Sh. Salarian Asymptotic stability of AttR Tor1R((R/\frakan),A) Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. 44 (2001), 479-483 [abstract] |
46. | Sh. Salarian, J. Asadollahi and K. Khashyarmanesh Local-Global principle for annihilation of general local cohomology Colloq. Math. 87 (2001), 129-136 [abstract] |
47. | K. Khashyarmanesh, Sh. Salarian and H. Zakeri On the associated graded module of ideal generated by an unconditioned strong d-sequence J. Math. Kyoto Univ. 39 (1999), 607-618 [abstract] |
48. | K. Khashyarmanesh, Sh. Salarian and H. Zakeri Generalized fractions, determinantal maps and local cohomology modules Ital. J. pure Appl. Math. 6 (1999), 139-146 [abstract] |
49. | K. Khashyarmanesh and Sh. Salarian On the associated primes of local cohomology modules Comm. Algebra 27 (1999), 6191-6198 [abstract] |
50. | K. Khashyarmanesh, Sh. Salarian and H. Zakeri Characterizations of filter regular sequences and unconditioned strong d-sequences Nagoya Math. J. 151 (1998), 37-50 [abstract] |
51. | K. Khashyarmanesh, Sh. Salarian and M. Tousi On the local homology theory for Artinian modules Acta Math. Hungar. 81 (1998), 109-119 [abstract] |
52. | K. Khashyarmanesh and Sh. Salarian General local cohomology modules and Koszul homology modules Colloq. Math. 77 (1998), 305-313 [abstract] |
53. | K. Khashyarmanesh and Sh. Salarian Filter regular sequences and the finiteness of local cohomology modules Comm. Algebra 26 (1998), 2483-2490 [abstract] |
54. | K. Khashyarmanesh, Sh. Salarian and H. Zakeri On the flat dimension of certain modules of generalized fractions Math. J. Toyama Univ. 20 (1997), 79-90 [abstract] |
55. | K. Khashyarmanesh and Sh. Salarian Exactness theorem and poor M-Cosequences J. Korean Math. Soc. 34 (1997), 949-957 [abstract] |
56. | K. Khashyarmanesh and Sh. Salarian Minimal injective resolutions of modules over Cohen-Macaulay rings Honam Math. J. 19 (1997), 53-59 [abstract] |