“Meisam Ghasemi BostanAbad (Externally Funded)”


IPM Positions

Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, School of Particles and Accelerator
(2024 - Present )

Past IPM Positions

Resident Researcher, School of Particles and Accelerator
(2023 - 2024)

Present Research Project at IPM

New flavor physics in di- and tri-lepton events from top quark at the LHC

Related Papers

1. M. Ghasemi Bostanabad and M. Mohammadi Najafabadi
Machine Learning Approaches to Top Quark Flavor-Changing Four-Fermion Interactions in Trilepton Signals at the LHC
 (Submitted) [abstract]
arXive.org link: 2502.18667 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by
Code: IPM/P.A-820
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