“Raihaneh Moti”

Tel:  021-2310-5065

IPM Positions

PostDoctoral Associate, School of Astronomy

Research Interests

Finite Temperature Field Theory
Entropic Gravity / Quantum Aspects of Black Holes
Functional Renormalization Group Method

Present Research Project at IPM

Cosmological Constant in the Asymptotically Safe models

Related Papers

1. R. Moti and A. Shojai
On the gravitational precession memory effect for an ensemble of gyroscopes
Classical Quant. Grav. 41 (2024),   [abstract]
Code: IPM/A-2024/66
2. R. Moti and A. Shojai
On the gravitational hysteresis in the kinetic theory
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2024 (2024),   [abstract]
Code: IPM/A-2024/65
3. R. Moti and A. Shojai
On the gravitational precession memory effect for an ensemble of gyroscopes
Class.Quant.Grav 41 (2024),   [abstract]
Code: IPM/A-2023/22
4. Raihaneh . Moti
On the nonlocal Newtonian cosmology
Physics of the Dark Universe 42 (2023),   [abstract]
Code: IPM/A-2023/21
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