“Saleh Rahimi Keshari”

Tel:  021-22835061
Fax:  021-22835058

IPM Positions

Long Term Visitor, School of Quantum Physics and Matter
(2019 - 2022 )

Related Papers

1. S. Rahimi-Keshari, M. Mehboudi, . De Santis, D. Cavalcanti and A. Acín
Verification of joint measurability using phase-space quasiprobability distributions
Phys. Rev. A 104 (2021), 042212  [abstract]
2. S. Rahimi-Keshari, S. Baghbanzadeh and C. M. Caves
In situ characterization of linear-optical networks in randomized boson sampling
Phys. Rev. A 101 (2020), 043809  [abstract]
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