“Reza Ebadi”
Home Page: http://ee.sharif.edu/~ebadi_reza/

IPM Positions |
Research Assistant , School of Astronomy
(2018 - 2020 ) |
Research Interests |
Early Universe Cosmology, Dark Matter, and Axion-like Particles. | ||
Research Activities |
My main research interest is the physics of the boundary between particle physics and cosmology. First, I am interested in phenomenology and model building to probe beyond the Standard Model and early Universe physics. Furthermore, I am interested in connecting models of new physics with their signatures at upcoming and on-going particle physics experiments and cosmological observations. | ||
Present Research Project at IPM |
Black hole superradiance and axionic instabilities of axion clouds around Kerr black holes. | ||
Related Papers |
1. | M H. Namjoo and r. Ebadi Resonant instability of axion cloud Iran.J.Phys.Res (2023), [abstract] Code: IPM/A-2020/44 |