“Seyed Hamed Aboutalebi”

Tel:  021-23105245
Fax:  021-22835058

IPM Positions

Faculty Member , School of Quantum Physics and Matter
Director, Condensed Matter National Laboratory
(2024 - Present )

Past IPM Positions

Senior Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Condensed Matter National Laboratory
(2018 - 2024)
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Condensed Matter National Laboratory
(2015 - 2018)

Research Interests

Unconventional Liquid Crystals from 2D and 1D materials, Self-assembled 3D architectures, Graphene and Graphene oxide based 3D hybrid architectures, 2D and Layered Materials, Nanocomposites, Hybrid Materials


Royal Society of chemistry, Australian Nanotechnology Network
Iran`s National Elites Foundation, 2015-2017
Australian Postgraduate Award, 2012-2014
Postgraduate Student Excellence Award, University of Wollongong, 2012
Postgraduate Top-Up Award, University of Wollongong, 2011-2014
University Postgraduate Award, University of Wollongong, 2011
Higher Degree Research Award, University of Wollongong, 2010
International Postgraduate Research Scholarship, University of Wollongong, 2010
Postgraduate Studentship, ARRO, HKUST, Hong Kong, 2010

Research Activities

Recent developments on single-component carbon nanomaterials such as 1D carbon nanotubes (CNTs), and 2D graphene have paved the way to use these interesting materials for a broad range of devices and applications ranging from biomedical implants to more sophisticated applications such as energy-storage systems needed to power up flexible smart wearable garments and miniaturized electronic gadgets. However, the strong direction-dependent properties of these materials resulting from their very weak out-of?plane transport properties has necessitated the need to explore ways to extend their properties into the third dimension. Regardless of their importance for both fundamental and industrial applications, the development of methodic approaches to process these nano-scaled 2D and 1D materials based on their inherent anisotropic properties to achieve higher-ordered self-assembled complex 3D architectures is still a largely unexplored area. Therefore, probing and quantifying the dynamic behavior of such nano-systems is an immediate challenge that, if addressed, will be instrumental in extending our general understanding of the mechanics involved in order to deliberately translate their intrinsic properties into the design process and device applications. This challenge, if resolved, can serve as a platform to process these materials at industrially highly-scalable levels for a whole range of both novel and existing applications such as coatings, fillers, molecular electronics, wearables, smart garments, RDIF devices, printed electronics, organic field effective transistors, 3D bionic scaffolds and implantable biomedical devices.

Related Papers

1. M. Tavakol, A. Montazeri , S. H. Aboutalebi and R. Asgari
Mechanical properties of graphene oxide: the impact of functional groups
Appl. Surf. Sci. 525 (2020), 146554  [abstract]
2. R. Jalili, D. Esrafilzadeh, S. H. Aboutalebi, Y. M. Sabri, A. E. Kandjani, S. K. Bhargava, T. R. Gengenbach, A. Walker, Y. Chao, C. Wang, H. Alimadadi, D. R. G. Mitchell, D. L. Officer, D. R. MacFarlane, G. G. Wallace and E. D. Gaspera
Silicon as a ubiquitous contaminant in graphene derivatives with significant impact on device performance
Nature Communications 9 (2018),   [abstract]
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