“Mahdi Pourfath”

Tel:  021-228355061
Fax:  021-22835058

IPM Positions

Resident Researcher, School of Quantum Physics and Matter
(2016 - 2019 )

Non IPM Affiliations

Associate Professor of School of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Related Papers

1. M. Boroun, S. Abdolhosseini and M. Pourfath
Separated and intermixed phases of borophene as anode material for lithium-Ion batteries
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 52 (2019),   [abstract]
2. S. M. Tabatabaei, M. Pourfath and M. Fathipour
Adsorption characteristics of epigenetically modified DNA nucleobases on single-layer MoS2: A first-principles study
J. Appl. Phys. 124 (2018), 134501  [abstract]
3. S. Pakdel, M. Pourfath and J. J. Palacios
An implementation of spin-orbit coupling for band structure calculations with Gaussian basis sets: Two-dimensional topological crystals of Sb and Bi
4. M. Elahi and M. Pourfath
Ab initio effective deformation potentials of phosphorene and consistency checks
J. Physics: Condens. Matter 30 (2018), 225701  [abstract]
5. A. Horri, R. Faez, M. Pourfath and Gh.. Darvish
Modeling of a Vertical Tunneling Transistor Based on Graphene-MoS2 Heterostructure
IEEE Trans. on Electron Devices 64 (2017), 3459  [abstract]
6. Z. Chaghazardi, R. Faez, Sh. Babaee Touski and M. Pourfath
Spin FET Based on Graphene Nanoribbon in the Presence of Surface Roughness
IEEE Trans. on Electron Devices 64 (2017), 3437  [abstract]
7. Sh. Babaee Touski, R. Roldán, M. Pourfath and M. P. Lopez-Sancho
Enhanced spin-flip scattering by surface roughness in WS2 and MoS2 armchair nanoribbons
Phys. Rev. B 95 (2017), 165301  [abstract]
8. Z. Chaghazardi, Sh. Babaee Touski, M. Pourfath and R. Faez
Spin relaxation in graphene nanoribbons in the presence of substrate surface roughness
J. Appl. Phys. 120 (2016), 053904(1-5)  [abstract]
9. N. Sefidmooye Azar and M. Pourfath
Aggregation Kinetics and Stability Mechanisms of Pristine and Oxidized Nanocarbons in Polar Solvents
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120 (2016), 16804  [abstract]
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