“Reza Asgari”
Tel: 021-22835061
Fax: 021-22835058

IPM Positions |
Head, School of Quantum Physics and Matter
(2016 - 2020 ) Director, Condensed Matter National Laboratory (2015 - Present) |
Research Interests |
I have been working on a number of problems in the challenging arena of quantum many-body physics,
especially on two-dimensional materials namely graphene, transition metal dichalcogenide and phosphorose systems. To be more precise, I am interested in many-body physics by carrying out the physical
quantities of many body problems and specially the transport properties of hybrid two-dimensional crystalline materials.
Furthermore, cold dipolar atom gases have
attracted a lot of attention due to the novel anisotropic and
long-range character of dipole-dipole interactions. I am also working on one- and two-dimensional dipolar Fermi gas systems and interested in the phase diagrams in such systems. Reza Asgari curriculum vitae |
Related Papers |
1. | M. Alidoosti, D. Nasr Esfahani and R. Asgari Charge density wave and superconducting phase in monolayer InSe (Submitted) [abstract] |
2. | Z. Torbatian, D. Novko and R. Asgari Tunable and low-loss hyperbolic plasmon polaritons in Td -WTe2 single layer Phys. Rev. Applied 14 (2020), 044014 [abstract] |
3. | M. Zare and R. Asgari Probing divacancy defects in a zigzag graphene nanoribbon through RKKY exchange interaction (Submitted) [abstract] |
4. | S. Izadi, Z. Torbatian, A. Qaiumzadeh and R. Asgari Strain and electric-field control of spin-spin interactions in monolayer CrI3 Phys. Rev. Materials 4 (2020), 094004 [abstract] |
5. | A. Faridi and R. Asgari Many-body exchange-correlation effects in MoS2 monolayer: the key role of nonlocal screening of the crystal (Submitted) [abstract] |
6. | Z. Torbatian, M. Alidoosti, D. Novko and R. Asgari Low-loss two-dimensional plasmon modes in antimonene Phys. Rev. B 101 (2020), 205412 [abstract] |
7. | L. Majidi and R. Asgari New supercurrent pattern in quantum point contact with strained graphene nanoribbon New J. Phys. 22 (2020), 123033 [abstract] |
8. | Sh. Heidari and R. Asgari Chiral Hall effect in strained Weyl semimetals Phys. Rev. B 101 (2020), 165309 [abstract] |
9. | M. Tavakol, A. Montazeri , S. H. Aboutalebi and R. Asgari Mechanical properties of graphene oxide: the impact of functional groups Appl. Surf. Sci. 525 (2020), 146554 [abstract] |
10. | I. Seydi, S. H. Abedinpour, R. E. Zillich, R. Asgari and B. Tanatar Rotons and Bose condensation in Rydberg-dressed Bose Gases Phys. Rev. A 101 (2020), 013628 [abstract] |
11. | I. Seydi, S. H. Abedinpour, R. Asgari and B. Tanatar Exchange-correlation effects and the quasiparticle properties in a two dimensional dipolar Fermi liquid J. Superconduc. Nov. Magn. 2019 (2019), 1-6 [abstract] |
12. | Sh. Heidari, A. Cortijo and R. Asgari Hall viscosity for optical phonons Phys. Rev. B 100 (2019), 165427 [abstract] |
13. | A. Ebrahimian, M. Dadsetani and R. Asgari Dirac fermions and superconductivity in two-dimensional transition-metal MOH (M=Zr, Hf) Phys. Rev. B 100 (2019), 245120 [abstract] |
14. | M.A. Sharif Sheikhaleslami, Z. Nourbakhsh, A. Beitollahi, M. Shokouhimehr and R. Asgari Development of Graphene Structure in Phenolic Resin Induced by Planarization of Benzene Rings (Submitted) [abstract] |
15. | M. Barzegar, M. Berahman and R. Asgari First-Principles Study of Molecules Adsorption on the Ni-Decorated Monolayer MoS2 J. Computational Electronics 18 (2019), 826 [abstract] |
16. | Z. Shomali and R. Asgari Spin transfer torque and exchange coupling in Josephson junctions with ferromagnetic superconductor reservoirs J. Physics: Condens. Matter 32 (2019), [abstract] |
17. | I. Seydi, S. H. Abedinpour, R. Asgari and B. Tanatar Composite quasiparticles in strongly correlated dipolar Fermi liquids Phys. Rev. A 98 (2018), 063623 [abstract] |
18. | F.G. Ghamsari and R. Asgari Plasmon-phonon-polaritons in encapsulated phosphorene Plasmonics (Accepted) [abstract] |
19. | Z. Torbatian and R. Asgari Optical absorption properties of few-layer phosphorene Phys. Rev. B 98 (2018), 205407 [abstract] |
20. | Z. Nourbakhsh and R. Asgari Phosphorene as a nanoelectromechanical material Phys. Rev. B 98 (2018), 125427 [abstract] |
21. | X. Wei, C. Gao, R. Asgari, P. Wang and G. Xianlong Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov pairing states of a polarized dipolar Fermi gas trapped in a one-dimensional optical lattice Phys. Rev. A 98 (2018), 023631 [abstract] |
22. | A. Faridi, R. Asgari and A. Langari Magnetotransport of a 2DEG with anisotropic Rashba interaction at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface Phys. Rev. B 98 (2018), 155442 [abstract] |
23. | M. Yousefi, M. Faraji, R. Asgari and A. Z . Moshfegh Effect of boron and phosphorus codoping on the electronic and optical properties of graphitic carbon nitride monolayers: First-principle simulations Phys. Rev. B 97 (2018), 195428 [abstract] |
24. | L. Majidi, M. Zare and R. Asgari Quantum transport in new two-dimensional heterostructures: thin films of topological insulators, phosphorene Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications (Invited paper) 549 (2018), 77 [abstract] |
25. | Z. Nourbakhsh and R. Asgari Charge transport in doped zigzag phosphorene nanoribbons Phys. Rev. B 97 (2018), 235406 [abstract] |
26. | Z. Torbatian and R. Asgari Plasmonic physics of 2D crystalline materials App. Science (invited paper) 8 (2018), 238 [abstract] |
27. | Z. Shomali and R. Asgari Effects of low-dimensional material channels on energy consumption of Nano-devices international communications in heat and mass transfer 94 (2018), 77 [abstract] |
28. | M. Zare, F. Parhizgar and R. Asgari Strongly anisotropic RKKY interaction in monolayer black phosphorus Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 456 (2018), 307 [abstract] |
29. | H. Mosadeq and R. Asgari Two-leg ladder systems with dipole-dipole Fermion interactions J. Physics: Condens. Matter 30 (2018), 205601 [abstract] |
30. | D. Nasr Esfahani and R. Asgari Superconducting critical temperature of hole doped blue phosphorene (Preprint) [abstract] |
31. | B. Zare Rameshti, A. Eskandari Asl and R. Asgari Phonon enhanced Kerr and Faraday rotations in two-dimensional electron systems (Submitted) [abstract] |
32. | D. Nasr Esfahani and R. Asgari Superconducting critical temperature of hole doped blue phosphorene (Submitted) [abstract] |
33. | M. B. Lundeberg, Y. Gao, R. Asgari, C. Tan, B. V. Duppen, M. Autore, . Alonso Gonzalez, A. Woessner, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, R. Hillenbrand, J. Hone, M. Polini and F. H. L. Koppens Tuning quantum non-local effects in graphene plasmonics Science 357 (2017), 187 [abstract] |
34. | F. Parhizgar, A. Qaiumzadeh and R. Asgari Quantum capacitance of double-layer graphene Phys. Rev. B 96 (2017), 075447 [abstract] |
35. | M. Zare, L. Majidi and R. Asgari Giant magnetoresistance and anomalous transport in phosphorene-based multilayers with noncollinear magnetization Phys. Rev. B 95 (2017), 115426 [abstract] |
36. | Z. Torbatian and R. Asgari Plasmon modes of bilayer molybdenum disulfide: A density functional study J. Physics: Condens. Matter 29 (2017), 465701 [abstract] |
37. | A. Faridi and R. Asgari Plasmons at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface and Graphene-LaAlO3/SrTiO3 double layer Phys. Rev. B 95 (2017), 165419 [abstract] |
38. | M. Zare, B. Zare Rameshti, F. G. Ghamsari and R. Asgari Thermoelectric transport in monolayer phosphorene Phys. Rev. B 95 (2017), 045422-1 [abstract] |
39. | H. Rostami, A. G. Moghaddam and R. Asgari Spin relaxation and the Kondo effect in transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers J. Physics: Condens. Matter 28 (2016), 505002(1-11) [abstract] |
40. | B. Zare Ramashti and R. Asgari Thermoelectric effects in topological crystalline insulators Phys. Rev. B 94 (2016), 205401 [abstract] |
41. | Z. Nourbakhsh and R. Asgari Excitons and optical spectra of phosphorene nanoribbons Phys. Rev. B 94 (2016), 035437 [abstract] |
42. | A. Faridi, R. Asgari and A. Langari Electron mobility of a two-dimensional electron gas at the interface of SrTiO3 and LaAlO3 Phys. Rev. B 93 (2016), 235306 [abstract] |