“Maryam Shahsiah”
Tel: (+98-311) 7934607
Fax: (+98-311) 7934607

IPM Positions |
Resident Researcher, School of Mathematics - Isfahan Branch
(2019 - Present (Resident in Isfahan from March 21)) |
Past IPM Positions |
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, School of Mathematics
(2014 - 2018) (From September 23, 2014 till March 20, 2018 in IPM-Isfahan Branch ) |
Non IPM Affiliations |
Assistant Professor of Assistant Professor of The Mathematics and Computer, Khansar Department | ||
Related Papers |
1. | L. Maherani and M. Shahsiah On Ramsey numbers of 3-uniform Berge cycles Discrete Math. 347 (2024), 113877 [abstract] |
2. | M. Shahsiah Ramsey numbers of 5-uniform loose cycles Graphs Combin. (Accepted) [abstract] |
3. | M. Shahsiah (Joint with M. Miralaei) On the multicolor size Ramsey number of stars and cliques Discrete Math. 343 (2020), 111899 [abstract] |
4. | M. Shahsiah (Joint with L. Maherani) Turan numbers of complete 3-uniform Berge-hypergraphs Graphs Combin. (Accepted) [abstract] |
5. | G. R. Omidi and M. Shahsiah (Joint with M. Miralaei) Size Ramsey numbers of stars versus cliques J. Graph Theory 92 (2019), 275-286 [abstract] |
6. | G. R. Omidi and M. Shahsiah Ramsey numbers of 4-uniform loose cycles Discrete Appl. Math. 230 (2017), 112-120 [abstract] |
7. | G.R. Omidi and M. Shahsiah Diagonal Ramsey numbers of loose cycles in uniform hypergraphs SIAM J. Discrete Math. 31 (2017), 1634-1669 [abstract] |
8. | G. R. Omidi and M. Shahsiah Ramsey numbers of uniform loose path and cycles Discrete Math. 340 (2017), 1426-1434 [abstract] |