“Ali Rajabpour”

Tel:  021-22835058
Fax:  021-22835058

IPM Positions

Resident Researcher, School of Quantum Physics and Matter
(2013 - Present )

Related Papers

1. P. Mirchi, C. Adessi, S. Merabia and A. Rajabpour
Lattice thermal conductivity and mechanical properties of the single-layer penta-NiN 2 explored by a deep-learning interatomic potential
Phys. Chem. Chem Phys. (2024),   [abstract]
2. K. Ghorbani, P. Mirchi, S. Arabha, A. Rajabpour and S. Volz
Lattice thermal conductivity and Young's modulus of XN4 (X = Be, Mg and Pt) 2D materials using machine learning interatomic potentials
Phys. Chem. Chem Phys. (2023),   [abstract]
3. S. Loos, S. Arabha, A. Rajabpour, A. Hassanali and E. Roldan
Nonreciprocal forces enable cold-to-hot heat transfer between nanoparticles
(2023),   [abstract]
4. SM. Hatam-Lee, F. Jabbari and A. Rajabpour
Interfacial thermal conductance between gold and SiO2: A molecular dynamics study
Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering (2023),   [abstract]
5. M. Hatam-Lee, F. Jabbari and A. Rajabpour
Interfacial thermal conductance between gold and SiO2: A molecular dynamics study
Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering 26 (2022),   [abstract]
6. M. Roodbari, M. Abbasi, S. Arabha, A. Gharedaghi and A. Rajabpour
Interfacial thermal conductance between $TiO_2$ nanoparticle and water: A molecular dynamics study
J. Molecular Liquids 348 (2022),   [abstract]
7. M. Roodbari, M. Abbasi, S. Arabha, A. Gharedaghi and A. Rajabpour
Interfacial thermal conductance between TiO2 nanoparticle and water: A molecular dynamics study
J. Molecular Liquids (2021), 118053  [abstract]
8. S. M. Hatam Lee, K. Gordiz and A. Rajabpour
Lattice-dynamics-based descriptors for interfacial heat transfer across two-dimensional carbon-based nanostructures
J. Appl. Phys. 130 (2021), 135106  [abstract]
9. M. M. Heyhat, M. Abbasi and A. Rajabpour
Molecular dynamic simulation on the density of titanium dioxide and silver water-based nanofluids using ternary mixture model
J. Molecular Liquids 115966 (2021), 333  [abstract]
10. S. Arabha, A. H. Akbarzadeh and A. Rajabpour
Engineered porous borophene with tunable anisotropic properties
Comp. Part B: Engineering 200 (2020), 108260  [abstract]
11. F. Momeni, B. Mehrafrooz, A. Montazeri and A. Rajabpour
MD-based design of bilayer graphene-hBN heterostructures: An insight into enhanced thermal transport
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 150 (2020), 119282  [abstract]
12. M. Sadegh Alborzi, A. Rajabpour and A. Montazeri
Heat transport in 2D van der Waals heterostructures: An analytical modeling approach
Int. J. Thermal Sciences 150 (2020), 106237  [abstract]
13. F. Jabbari, S. Saedodin and A. Rajabpour
Experimental Investigation and Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Viscosity of CNT-Water Nanofluid at Different Temperatures and Volume Fractions of Nanoparticles
J. Chem. Eng. Data 64 (2019), 262  [abstract]
14. M. Raeis, S. Ahmadi and A. Rajabpour
Modulated thermal conductivity of 2D hexagonal boron arsenide: a strain engineering study
Nanoscale 11 (2019), 21799  [abstract]
15. M. Azizinia, B. Mehrafrooz, A. Montazeri and A. Rajabpour
Thermal transport engineering in single layered graphene sheets via MD simulations: On the effect of nickel coating
Int. J. Thermal Sciences 138 (2019), 416  [abstract]
16. A. Rajabpour, Z. Fan and S. M. Vaez Allaei
Inter-layer and intra-layer heat transfer in bilayer/monolayer graphene van der Waals heterostructure: Is there a Kapitza resistance analogous?
Appl.Phys.Lett 112 (2018), 233104  [abstract]
17. H. Ghasemi, A. Rajabpour and A.H. Akbarzadehdeh
Tuning thermal conductivity of porous graphene by pore topology engineering: Comparison of non-equilibrium molecular dynamics and finite element study
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 123 (2018), 261  [abstract]
18. F. Faraji and A. Rajabpour
Fluid heating in a nano-scale Poiseuille flow: A non-equilibrium molecular dynamics study
Current App. Phys. 17 (2017), 1646  [abstract]
19. F. Jabbari, A. Rajabpour and S. Saedodin
Thermal conductivity and viscosity of nanofluids: A review of recent molecular dynamics studies
Chemical Eng. Sci. 174 (2017), 67  [abstract]
20. H. Ghasemi and A. Rajabpour
Thermal expansion coefficient of graphene using molecular dynamics simulation: A comparative study on potential functions
J. Phys.: Conf. Series 785 (2017), 012006 -1  [abstract]
21. F. Faraji and A. Rajabpour
Temperature gradient-induced fluid pumping inside a single-wall carbon nanotube: A non-equilibrium molecular dynamics study
Phys. Fluids 28 (2016), 092004(1-12)  [abstract]
22. A. Montazeri, S. Ebrahimi, A. Rajabpour and H. Rafii Tabar
Molecular Dynamics Modeling of Buckling Behavior of Hydrogenated Graphyne
NANO: Brief Repo. and Rev. 10 (2015), 1550105(1-8)  [abstract]
23. A. Rajabpour and S. Volz
Universal interfacial thermal resistance at high frequencies
Phys. Rev. B 20 (2014), 1-4  [abstract]
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