“Amir Hossein Shirazi”

Tel:  021-22835058
Fax:  021-22835058

IPM Positions

Resident Researcher, School of Quantum Physics and Matter
Student Researcher, Complexity
(2012 - 2015 )

Research Interests

Biologic Signal Analysis

Related Papers

1. A. H. Shirazi, M. R. Raoufy, H. Ebadi, M. De Rui, S. Schiff, R. Mazloom, S. Hajizadeh, SH. Gharibzadeh, A.R. Dehpour, P. Amodio, G. R. Jafari, S. Montagnese and A. R. Mani
Quantifying Memory in Complex Physiological Time- Series
Plos One 8 (2013), 1-8  [abstract]
2. H. Ebadi, A. H. Shirazi, A. R. Mani and G. R. Jafari
Inverse statistical approach in heartbeat time series
J.Stat. Mech: Theory and Experiments 2011 (2011), 10  [abstract]
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