“Ali Fathalian”

Tel:  021-22835058

IPM Positions

Non Resident Researcher, School of Quantum Physics and Matter
(2010 - 2015 )

Non IPM Affiliations

Assistant Professor of Kermanshah Razi University

Related Papers

1. A. Fathalian, R. Moradian and Sh. Sohrabi
Ab Initio Density Functional Theory Investigation of Structural and Electronic Properties of ZnO Bundles
Mod. Phys. Lett. B 24 (2010), 7  [abstract]
2. R. Moradian and A. Fathalian
Effects of inter wall hopping on the electronic properties of double-wall carbon nanotubes
Solid State Commun. 149 (2009), 5  [abstract]
3. R. Moradian and A. Fathalian
Investigation of superconductivity in the single-walled carbon nanotubes
J. Phs. Chem. of Solid 69 (2008), 5  [abstract]
4. R. Moradian and A. Fathalian
Ferromagnetic semiconductor single-wall carbon nanotubes
Nanotech. 17 (2006), 1835-1842   [abstract]
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