“Mohsen Dayyani Kelisani”

Tel: +98 21 22809150
Fax: +98 21 22809148

IPM Positions |
Faculty Member , School of Particles and Accelerator
(2021 - Present ) |
Past IPM Positions |
Senior Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, School of Particles and Accelerator
(2019 - 2021) Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, School of Particles and Accelerator (2016 - 2019) Ph.D. Student, School of Particles and Accelerator (2010 - 2016) |
Related Papers |
1. | N. Mesbah, S. Doebert, M. Dayyani Kelisani, A. Latina, Y. Zhao and J. Olivares Herrador Optimisation of the CLIC positron capture LINAC taking into account Beam Loading effects EPJ Web Conf 315 (2024), [abstract] Code: IPM/P.A-813 |
2. | M. Dayyani Kelisani, S. Barzegar, P. Craievich and S. Doebert Six-Dimensional Beam-Envelope Equations: An Ultrafast Computational Approach for Interactive Modeling of Accelerator Structures Phys. Rev. Applied 19 (2023), [abstract] Code: IPM/P.A-773 |
3. | S. Y. Kim, K. Moon, M. Chung, K. N. Sjobak, E. Adli, S. Doebert, M. Dayyani Kelisani, E. S. Yoon, I. Nam and G. Hahn Witness electron beam injection using an active plasma lens for beam-driven plasma wakefield accelerators Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams 24 (2021), [abstract] arXive.org link: 2104.10288 [ abs, src, ps, others], cited by Code: IPM/P.A-699 |
4. | M. Dayyani Kelisani The AWAKE Collaboration, Experimental study of extended timescale dynamics of a plasma wakefield driven by a self-modulated proton bunch Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams 24 (2021), [abstract] Code: IPM/P.A-698 |
5. | M. Dayyani Kelisani The AWAKE Collaboration, Proton Bunch Self-Modulation in Plasma with Density Gradient Phys. Rev. Lett. 125 (2020), [abstract] Code: IPM/P.A-697 |
6. | M. Dayyani Kelisani The AWAKE Collaboration, Proton beam defocusing in AWAKE: comparison of simulations and measurements Plasma Phys Contr Fus. 62 (2020), [abstract] Code: IPM/P.A-696 |
7. | M. Dayyani Kelisani The AWAKE Collaboration, Experimental study of wakefields driven by a self-modulating proton bunch in plasma Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams 23 (2020), [abstract] Code: IPM/P.A-695 |
8. | M. Dayyani Kelisani The AWAKE Injector Collaboration, Commissioning of the electron injector for the AWAKE experiment Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. A 953 (2020), [abstract] Code: IPM/P.A-694 |
9. | M. Dayyani Kelisani The AWAKE Collaboration, Correction to âProton-driven plasma wakefield acceleration in AWAKE Philosophical transactions of the royal society a-mathematical physical and engineering sciences 378 (2020), [abstract] Code: IPM/P.A-693 |
10. | M. Dayyani Kelisani, S. Doebert, M. Aslaninejad and b. Holzer Evolution of bunch envelope and emittance in photo-injectors with application to the AWAKE experiment Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 982 (2020), [abstract] Code: IPM/p.A-676 |
11. | M. Dayyani Kelisani AWAKE Collaboration, Proton-driven plasma wakefield acceleration in AWAKE Philosophical transactions of the royal society a-mathematical physical and engineering sciences 377 (2019), [abstract] Code: IPM/P.A-692 |
12. | S. Y. Kim, M. Dayyani Kelisani, S. Doebert and M. Chung Design study of the electron beamline, and the beam optimization for the AWAKE RUN 2 experiment at CERN ( In: Proceedings of: 20th International Vacuum Electronics Conference, Busan, South Korea) Code: IPM/P.A-691 [abstract] |
13. | M. Dayyani Kelisani AWAKE Injector Collaboration, The electron accelerators for the AWAKE experiment at CERN baseline and future developments Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. A 953 (2018), [abstract] Code: IPM/P.A-690 |
14. | M. Dayyani Kelisani AWAKE Collaboration, AWAKE Status Report CERN-SPSC 2018 (2018), [abstract] Code: IPM/P.A-689 |
15. | M. Dayyani Kelisani AWAKE Collaboration, Status and Prospects for the AWAKE Experiment Journal of Physics Conference Series V (2018), [abstract] Code: IPM/P.A-688 |
16. | S. Kim, . Chung, M. Dayyanikelisani and S. Döbert Study of the electron beam transfer line for the AWAKE RUN II experiment at CERN ( In: Proceedings of: 29th International Linear Accelerator Conference, Beijing, China) Code: IPM/P.A-687 [abstract] |
17. | S. Sanaye Hajari, S. Haghtalab, S. H. Shaker and M. Dayyani Kelisani RF emittance in a low energy electron linear accelerator Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. A 888 (2018), 250-256 [abstract] Code: IPM/P.A-526 |
18. | M. Dayyani Kelisani and S. H. Shaker Design of a Low Emittance High Current Photocathode RF Gun for the IPM Linear Accelerator ( In: Proceedings of IPAC2017, Copenhagen, Denmark) Code: IPM/P.A-478 [abstract] |
19. | S. Sanaye Hajari, S. Haghtalab, S. H. Shaker and M. Dayyani Kelisani Transverse Beam Dynamics of an 8 MeV Electron Linac ( In: Proceedings of IPAC2017, Copenhagen, Denmark) Code: IPM/P.A-477 [abstract] |
20. | M. Dayyani Kelisani, S. Doebert and M. Aslaninejad Low emittance design of the electron gun and the focusing channel of the Compact Linear Collider drive beam Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams 20 (2017), [abstract] Code: IPM/P.A-462 |
21. | M. J. Boland, S. H. Shaker, S. sanaye Hajari, M. Dayyani Kelisani, H. Ghasem and et al. Updated baseline for a staged compact linear collider CERN, Geneva (2016), [abstract] Code: IPM/P.A-474 |
22. | M. Dayyani Kelisania, S. Doebert and M. Aslaninejad An analytical approach for beam loading compensation and excitation of maximum cavity field gradient in a coupled cavity-waveguide system Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. A 828 (2016), 132-144 [abstract] Code: IPM/P.A-434 |
23. | M. Dayyani Kelisani, S.H. Shaker and S. Doebert Design and Beam loading-Simulations of a Pre-Bunching Cavity for the CLIC Drive Beam Injector ( In: CLIC-Note-1059, 27th Linear Accelerator Conference, Geneva, Switzerland, 31 Aug - 5 Sep 2014, pp.THPP028) Code: IPM/P.A-402 [abstract] |
24. | F. Tecker, R. Corsini, . Dayyani Kelisani, S. Doebert, A. Grudiev, J.L . Navarro Quirante, . Riddone, I. Syratchev, W. Wuensch, O. Kononenko, A. Solodko and S. Lebet Experimental Study of the Effect of Beam Loading on RF Breakdown Rate in CLIC High-Gradient Accelerating Structures ( In: In: Proceedings of IPAC2013, Shanghai, China)) Code: IPM/P.A-381 [abstract] |
25. | S. Z. Kalantari, S. Sanaye Hajari and M. Dayyani Kelisani Calculation of cascade processes rates and simulation of the transitions in Kaonic 4He atom Hyperfine Interactions 209 (2012), 145-149 [abstract] Code: IPM/P.A-346 |
26. | S. Z. Kalantari, S. Sanaye Hajari and M. Dayyani Kelisani Capture of K- by the 4He atom and the internal Auger effect in the Kαe kaonic atom Phys. Rev. C 86 (2012), 1-5 [abstract] Code: IPM/P.A-298 |