“Mohammad Reza Daliri”


IPM Positions

Part-time Faculty, School of Cognitive Sciences
(2011 - Present
(Iran University of Science & Technology))

Related Papers

1. S. Miri Ashtiani and M. Daliri
Identification of cognitive load-dependent activation patterns using working memory task-based fMRI at various levels of difficulty
Scientific Reports 13 (2023),   [abstract]
2. S. Jamali, M. Aliyari Shoorehdeli, M. Daliri and A. Haghparast
Differential Aspects of Natural and Morphine Reward-related Behaviors in Conditioned Place Preference Paradigm
Basic and Clinical Neuroscience (2023),   [abstract]
3. B. Zareian, K. Maboudi, M. Daliri, H. Moghaddam and M. Esghaei
Attention strengthens across-trial pre-stimulus phase coherence in visual cortex, enhancing stimulus processing
Scientific Reports 10 (2020), 1-13  [abstract]
4. M. Zarei, M. Dezfouli, M. Jahed and M. Daliri
Adaptation Modulates Spike-Phase Coupling Tuning Curve in the Rat Primary Auditory Cortex
Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience (2020), 1-11  [abstract]
5. M. Khamechian and M. Daliri
Decoding Adaptive Visuomotor Behavior Mediated by Non-linear Phase Coupling in Macaque Area MT
Frontiers in Neuroscience (2020), 1-16  [abstract]
6. V. Kozyrev, M. Daliri, P. Schwedhelm and S. Treue
Strategic deployment of feature-based attentional gain in primate visual cortex
Plos Biology (2019), 1-18  [abstract]
7. M. Khamechian, V. Kozyrev, S. Treue, M. Esghaei and M. Daliri
Routing information flow by separate neural synchrony frequencies allows for
PNAS 116 (2019), 12506-12515  [abstract]
8. M. Zarei, M. Jahed and M. Daliri
Introducing a Comprehensive Framework to Measure Spike-LFP Coupling
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 12 (2018), 1-11  [abstract]
9. M. Parto Dezfouli, M. Khamechian, S. Treue, M. Esghaei and M. Daliri
Neural Activity Predicts Reaction in Primates Long Before a Behavioral Response
Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 12 (2018), 1-11  [abstract]
10. M. Esghaei, M. Daliri and S. Treue
Attention decouples action potentials from the phase of local field potentials in macaque visual cortical area MT
BMC Biology (2018), 1-13  [abstract]
11. Z. Bahmani, M.R. Daliri, Y. Merrikhi, K. Clark and B. Noudoost
Working Memory Enhances Cortical Representations via Spatially Specific Coordination of Spike Times
Neuron 97 (2018), 967-979  [abstract]
12. B. Parhizi, M.R. Daliri and M. Behroozi
Decoding the different states of visual attention using functional and effective connectivity features in fMRI data
Cognitive Neurodynamics (2017),   [abstract]
13. M. Esghaei, M.R. Daliri and S. Treue
Local field potentials are induced by visually evoked spiking activity in macaque cortical area MT
Scientific Reports 7 (2017), 1-11  [abstract]
14. Z. Bahmani Dehkordi, Y. Merrikhi, K. Clark, M. Daliri and B. Noudoost
Maintenance of spatial information enhances visual processing via phase modulation of ongoing brain rhythms
( In: SFN 2017)
15. M. Daliri, V. Kozyrev and S. Treue
Attention enhances stimulus representations in macaque visual cortex without affecting their signal-to-noise level
Scientific Reports (2016), 1-9  [abstract]
16. Z. Bahmani, M.R. Daliri, Y. Merrikhi, M. Parsa and B. Nodoost
Maintenance of spatial information modulates beta rhythms within MT cortex
( In: Society for Neuroscience conference (SFN) 2016)
17. Z. Bahmani Dehkordi, M. Daliri, Y. Merrikhi, M. Parsa and B. Noudoost
Maintenance of spatial information modulates beta rhythms within MT cortex
( In: 2016­-S-­8148-­SfN)
18. Z. Bahmani, M. Etemadi, M.R. Daliri, R. Liu and S. Treu
The Role of Neural Synchrony and Oscillations in Feature-Based Attention in the Primary Visual Cortex of the Macaque Monkey
( In: 11th Goettingen meeting of the German neuroscience society, March 2015)
19. SN. Miri Ashtiani, M.R. Daliri, H. Behnam, GA. Hossein-Zadeh and M. Mehrpour
Cognitive Functional Connectivity Analysis of Early MS Patients Using Graph Theory
( In: 4th basic and clinical neuroscience congress 2015)
20. H. Zanganeh Momtaz and M.R. Daliri
Predicting the eye fixation locations in the gray scale images in the visual scenes with different semantic contents
Cognitive Neurodynamics (2015), 1-16  [abstract]
21. Z. Seif and M.R. Daliri
Evaluation of local field potential signals in decoding of visual attention
Cognitive Neurodynamics 9 (2015), 509-522  [abstract]
22. M. Behroozi, M.R. Daliri and B. Shekarchi
EEG phase patterns reflect the representation of semantic categories of objects
Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing (2015), 1-17  [abstract]
23. H. Zanganeh Momtaz and M.R. Daliri
Differences of eye movement pattern in natural and man-made scenes and image categorization with the help of these patterns
Journal of Integrative Neuroscience 14 (2015), 1-18  [abstract]
24. M. Esghaei, M.R. Daliri and S. Treue
Attention Decreases Phase-Amplitude Coupling, Enhancing Stimulus Discriminability in Cortical Area MT
Frontiers in Neural Circuits 9 (2015), 1-8  [abstract]
Principal component model of neural activities in macaque area MT
( In: 2015-S-16242-SfN)
26. M. Behrouzi, M.R. Daliri and B. Shekarchi
EEG phase patterns reflect the representation of semantic categories of objects
Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing (2015), 1-17  [abstract]
27. Z. Seif and M.R. Daliri
Evaluation of local field potential signals in decoding of visual attention
Cognitive Neurodynamics 9 (2015), 1-14  [abstract]
28. M. Behroozi and M.R. Daliri
Predicting brain states associated with object categories from fMRI data
Journal of Integrative Neuroscience 13 (2014), 1-23  [abstract]
29. . Esghaei and M.R. Daliri
Decoding of Visual Attention from LFP Signals of Macaque MT
Plos One (2014),   [abstract]
30. M. Taghizadeh-Sarabi, M. Daliri and K. Salehzadeh Niksirat
Decoding Objects of Basic Categories from Electroencephalographic Signals Using Wavelet Transform and Support Vector Machines
Brain Topogr (2014),   [abstract]
31. M. Behroozi and M.R. Daliri
RDLPFC area of the brain encodes sentence polarity: a study using fMRI
Brain Imaging and Behavior (2014), 1-12  [abstract]
32. M.R. Daliri and M. Behroozi
Decoding the human cognitive states related to the negative and positive sentences: study using fMRI
( In: 2nd Neuroscience conference, December 18-20, 2013)
33. S. Tabrik, M.R. Daliri and M. Behroozi
White Matter lesions detection in MR images using Fuzzy Algorithms
( In: 2nd Neuroscience conference, December 18-20, 2013)
34. S. Tabrik, M.R. Daliri and M. Behroozi
Predict the gender of speakers using cepstrum analysis and supporte vector machine
( In: 2nd Neuroscience conference, December 18-20, 2013)
35. M.R. Daliri and M. Saraf Yazd
A bayesian framework for face recognition
International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control 8 (2012), 1-13  [abstract]
36. M.R. Daliri
Predicting the cognitive states of the subjects in functional magnetic resonance imaging signals using the combination of feature selection strategies
Brain Topogr 25 (2012), 129-135  [abstract]
37. M.R. Daliri, M. Sarraf and S. TREUE
Decoding the spatial attention state from local field potentials in area MT of macaque monkeys
( In: Neuroscience, 2011)
38. . Daliri, V. Kozyrev and S. Treue
An attentional modulation in area MT in the macaque that is consistent with the feature similarity gain model but not the biased competition model of attention
( In: The 40th Annual Meeting Neuroscience 2010, San Diego, 2010 Online)
39. L. Busse, . Daliri, S. Katzner and S. Treue
Stimulus strength modulates correlations of local neuronal populations in macaque area MT
( In: The 40th Annual Meeting Neuroscience 2010, San Diego, 2010 Online)
40. M.R. Daliri and V. Torre
Shape recognition based on kernel-edit distance
Computer Vision 114 (2010), 1097-1103  [abstract]
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