“Tahereh Takieh”

Tel:  +98 21 2835058
Fax:  +98 21 2835058

IPM Positions

Ph.D. Student, School of Quantum Physics and Matter
(2009 - 2016 )

Related Papers

1. T. Takieh, H. Rafii Tabar and P. Sasanpour
Axon Swelling is Electrophysiologically Disruptive: A Theoretically Confirmed Hypothesis
IECBES (2016), 307-310  [abstract]
2. H. Montazeri, M. Ahmadi, T. Tekieh , A. Montazeri and P. Sasanpour
Optimization of Growth Medium Position for Improved Operation of Quartz Tuning Fork Biosensor
IECBES (2016), 67-69  [abstract]
3. T. Takieh, P. Sasanpour and H. Rafii Tabar
Neurophysiological Effect of External Electromagnetic Field: A Computational Modeling
NANO: Brief Repo. and Rev. 11 (2016), 1650111(1-9)  [abstract]
4. T. Takieh, S. Shahzadi, H. Rafii Tabar and P. Sasanpour
Are deformed neurons electrophysiologically altered? A simulation study
Current App. Phys. 16 (2016), 1413-1417  [abstract]
5. M. Paryavi, A. Montazeri, T. Takieh and P. Sasanpour
Nanoscale deflection detection of a cantilever-based biosensor using MOSFET structure: A theoretical analysis
Superlattices and Microstructures 98 (2016), 116-120  [abstract]
6. T. Takieh, P. Sasanpour and H. Rafii Tabar
Effects of electromagnetic field exposure on conduction and concentration of voltage gated calcium channels:A Brownian dynamics study
Brain Research 1646 (2016), 560-569  [abstract]
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