“ Mohammad Reza Mohammadizadeh”

Tel:  +98 21 2835058
Fax:  +98 21 2835058

IPM Positions

Resident Researcher, School of Quantum Physics and Matter
(2003 - 2009 )

non IPM Affiliations

Associate of ICTP, ICTP

Research Interests

First principle ab-initio simulations of solids; Electronic, structural and phonon frequencies properties. Superconductivity; Preparation of HTSC, transport, electronic, structural and flux dynamics properties. Nano Science; Thin films, Nanoparticles; synthesis and analysis and Nanotubes.


1.Prize as "Best Iranian Young Researcher", Iranian Physical Society, Iran, 1997. 2.Prize as "Top Student" in M.Sc. Courses, Isfahan University of Technology, Iran, 1998. 3.Prize of "Second National Khwarizmi Award for Young Researchers", Technology, Research and Science Ministry of Iran, Signed by President, Iran, 2000. 4.Prize of "Fourth National Khwarizmi Award for Young Researchers", Technology, Research and Science Ministry of Iran, Signed by President, Iran, 2000. 5.Prize as "Best Iranian Young Researcher", Iranian Physical Society, Iran, 2003.

Research Activities

-DFT based calculation of HTSC within LSDA+U -Phonon frequencies of Tio2 -Synthesis of Tio2 thin film -Preparation of HTSC

More Information


Related Papers

1. A. Shojaee and M. R. Mohammadizadeh
First Principles elastic and thermal properties if TiO2: a phonon approach
J. Physics: Condens. Matter 22 (2010), 9  [abstract]
2. V. Ghanbarian and M. R. Mohammadizadeh
Different self-consistent electronic structures of PrBa2Cu3O7 from LSDA+U calculations
Phys. Rev. B 78 (2008), 6  [abstract]
3. C. Ghanbarian and M. R . Mohammadizadeh
Study of PrBa2Cu3O7 singularity by Density Functional Theory
Iranian Journal of Physics 6 (2006),   [abstract]
4. M. R. Mohammadizadeh, N. Safari, M. Kia and H. Savaloni
Simulation of YBa2Cu3O7/MgO surface growth
Physica Status Solidi c 3 (2006), 3118-3121  [abstract]
5. M. R. Mohammadizadeh
Superconductivity in an ultra-small radius SWCNT
Physica Status Solidi c 3 (2006), 3126-3129  [abstract]
6. V. Ghanbarian and M. R . Mohammadizadeh
The effects of Pr at R and Ba sites on the electronic structure of RBa2Cu3O7
Physica Status Solidi c 3 (2006), 3122-3125  [abstract]
7. M. R. Mohammadizadeh
Structural and electronic properties of ultra-small radius SWCNT
Physica E 31 (2006), 31-37  [abstract]
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