“Behrad Noudoost”


IPM Positions

Adjunct Professor, School of Cognitive Sciences

Past IPM Positions

Ph.D. Student, School of Cognitive Sciences
(2002 - 2005)

Non IPM Affiliations

Associate Professor of University of Utah, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences

Research Interests

Visual Object Recognition Psychophysics of motion perception

Research Activities

I am interested to know how perceptual learning shapes response property of inferior temporal neurons which are involved in visual object representation and recognition

Related Papers

1. Y. Merrikhi, K. Clark and B. Noudoost
Concurrent influence of top-down and bottom-up inputs on correlated activity of Macaque extrastriate neurons
Nature Communications (2018), 1-12  [abstract]
2. MR. Dehaghani, H. Vahabie, MB. Parsa, B. Noudoost and AR. Soltani
Selective Changes in Noise Correlations Contribute to an Enhanced Representation of Saccadic Targets in Prefrontal Neuronal Ensembles
Cerebral Cortex (2018), 1-18  [abstract]
3. Z. Bahmani, M.R. Daliri, Y. Merrikhi, K. Clark and B. Noudoost
Working Memory Enhances Cortical Representations via Spatially Specific Coordination of Spike Times
Neuron 97 (2018), 967-979  [abstract]
4. M. Curry, A. Zimmermann, M. Parsa, M. Dehaqani, K. Clark and B. Noudoost
A Cage-Based Training System for Non-Human Primates
Aims Press 4 (2018), 102-119  [abstract]
5. Z. Bahmani Dehkordi, Y. Merrikhi, K. Clark, M. Daliri and B. Noudoost
Maintenance of spatial information enhances visual processing via phase modulation of ongoing brain rhythms
( In: SFN 2017)
6. Y. Merrikhi and B. Noudoost
Interactions between top-down and bottom-up input alter noise correlations in extrastriate cortex
( In: Session 149 - Spatial and Feature-Based Attention, SFN 2017)
7. Y. Merrikhi, K. Clark, E. Albarran, M. Parsa, M. Zirnsak, T. Moore and B. Noudoost
Spatial working memory alters the efficacy of input to visual cortex
Nature Communications (Accepted) [abstract]
8. Z. Bahmani, M.R. Daliri, Y. Merrikhi, M. Parsa and B. Nodoost
Maintenance of spatial information modulates beta rhythms within MT cortex
( In: Society for Neuroscience conference (SFN) 2016)
9. Y. Merrikhi, M. Parsa and B. Noudoost
Maintenance of spatial information modulates the gain and reliability of neuronal responses in areas V4 and MT
( In: 2016­-S-­9198-­SfN)
10. B. Noudoost, Y. Merrikhi , T. Moore, K. Clark, E. Albarran and M. Parsa
Spatial working memory enhances visual cortical representations
( In: 2016-S-12802-SfN)
11. Z. Bahmani Dehkordi, M. Daliri, Y. Merrikhi, M. Parsa and B. Noudoost
Maintenance of spatial information modulates beta rhythms within MT cortex
( In: 2016­-S-­8148-­SfN)
12. M. Parsa, M.R.A. Dehaqani, B. Mumey, C. Stengel and B. Noudoost
A high-throughput system to characterize functional connectivity between cortical areas
( In: Program No. 561.05 / NNN45, Society for Neuroscience Meeting. San Diego, 2016.)
13. M.D. Curry, M. Parsa, A. Cilker, L. Violetti, M.R.A. Dehaqani and B. Noudoost
Optimizing cage-based training for non-human primates
( In: Program No. 97.18 / LLL38, Society for Neuroscience Meeting. San Diego, 2016.)
14. M.R.A. Dehaqani, A.H. Vahabie, B. Noudoost and A. Soltani
Complementary contributions of high-dimensional representation and noise correlation to cognitive processes
( In: Program No. 81.05 / DDD10, Society for Neuroscience Meeting. San Diego )
15. M. Shams-Ahmar, H. Karimi, M. Parsa, R. Ebrahimpour and B. Noudoost
Contributions of response magnitude and variability to the presaccadic enhancement of visual representations
( In: SfN2015, Chicago)
16. K. Clark, R. Squire, Y. Merrikhi and B. Noudoost
Visual attention: Linking prefrontal sources to neuronal and behavioral correlates
Progress in Neurobiology (2015),   [abstract]
17. Y. Merrikhi, M. Parsa and B. Noudoost
Maintenance of spatial information modulates the correlated variability of MT neurons based on their spatial selectivity
( In: SFN 2015)
18. A.H. Vahabie , M.R.A. Dehaqani, C. Sun, B. Noudoost and A. Soltani
Contributions of Frontal Eye Field Spiking Activity and Synchrony to Control of Eye Movements
( In: Society for Neuroscience, 2014.)
Maintenance of spatial information gates the processing of incoming visual information in area V4
( In: SFN 2014)
20. B. Noudoost and H. Esteky
Neuronal correlates of view representation revealed by face view aftereffect
Neuroscience 13 (2013), 5761-5772  [abstract]
21. B. Noudoost, S.R. Afraz, M. Vaziri Pashkam and H. Esteky
Visual Spatial Integrity in the Absence of Splenium
Brain Research 1076 (2006), 177-186  [abstract]
22. B. Noudoost, M. Adibi, A. Moeeny and H. Esteky
Configural and analytical processing of familiar and unfamiliar objects
COGNITIVE BRAIN RES 24 (2005), 436-441  [abstract]
23. B. Noudoost, S.R. Afraz, M. Vaziri pashkam and H. Esteky
Visual object tracking across hemifields in a split-brain patient
( In: European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP))
24. A. Najafian, M. Sanayei and B. Noudoost
Is Flash-lag Illusion due to an interaction between static and moving stimuli in low-level visual processing?
( In: Ecovision Workshop)
25. R. Nilipour, S. Clarke, B. Noudoost, G. Tarighat Saber and A. Najlerahim
Selective Deficits in Human Audition: Evidence from Lesion Studies
( In: FAONS)
26. R. Nilipour, G. Tarighat Saber and B. Noudoost
Implicit Use of Semantic Auditory Information in Auditory Associative Agnosia
( In: 12th World Congress of Psychophysiology, The Olympics of the Brain)
27. R. Nilipour, B. Noudoost and K. Mirpour
Slow Motion Processing in Developmental Dyslexia
( In: 12th World Congress of Psychophysiology, The Olympics of the Brain)
28. R. Nilipour, S. Clarke, B. Noudoost, G. Tarighat Saber and A. Najllerahim
Response time as an index for selective auditory cognitive deficits
ACTA Neurobiologiae Experimentalis (2004), 163-170  [abstract]
29. A. Najafian, M. Sanayei, M. Adibi, B. Noudoost, S. Oveisgharan and A. Gharagazarloo
What is the Role of Early Visual System in Fash-Lag Effect?
( In: The first International Conference of the National Neuroscience of Romania)
30. M. Adibi, A. Gharagazarloo, B. Noudoost, M. Sanayei and A. Najafian
The Effect of Flash on the Motion Perception
( In: The first International Conference of the National Neuroscience of Romania)
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