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Paper   IPM / Physic / 8697
School of Physics
  Title:   f(R) Gravity: From the Pioneer Anomaly to the Cosmic Acceleration
1.  R. Saffari
2.  S. Rahvar
  Status:   Preprint
  Year:  2007
  Supported by:  IPM
In this work we use metric approach in the modified gravity to study the dynamics of a test particle from the solar system to the cosmological scales. Through the inverse approach we derive an appropriate action to describe the Pioneer anomaly and the flat rotation curve of the spiral galaxies. We propose the action of f(R) = R + R(R/R0 + 2/α)−1ln(R/Rc) where in galactic and solar system scales it reduces to our desire form. The vacuum solution of this action also results in a positive late time acceleration for the universe. We fix the parameters of this model, comparing with the observations.

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