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Paper   IPM / Nano-Sciences / 8273
School of Nano Science
  Title:   Nanothermodynamics: A subdivision potential approach
1.  Ruhollah Moussavi
2.  Hashem Rafii Tabar
  Status:   Published
  Journal: Iranian Journal of Physics
  No.:  4
  Vol.:  5
  Year:  2006
  Pages:   163-177
  Supported by:  IPM
Classical thermodynamic laws and relations have been developed for macroscopic systems that satisfy the thermodynamic limit. These relations are challenged as the system size decreases to the scale of nano-systems, in which thermodynamic properties are overshadowed by system size, and the usual classical concepts of extensivity and intensivity are no longer valid. The challenges to the classical thermodynamics in relation to small systems are demonstrated, and via the approach introduced by Hill, the concept of sub-division potential is clarified in details. The fundamental thermodynamic relations are obtained using a rational-based method.

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