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Paper   IPM / Physic / 7935
School of Physics
  Title:   Analysis of Free-Electron Laser with Helical Wiggler and An Ion-Channel Guiding by Relativistic Raman Backscattering Theory
1.  A. Krodbacheh
2.  B. Maraghechi
3.  H. Aghahosseini
  Status:   In Proceedings
  Proceeding: Proceedings of XI Regional Conference on Mathematical Physics, 3-6 May 2004, p193-195, Tehran, Iran
  Year:  2004
  Pages:   193-195
  Supported by:  IPM
A one-dimensional relativistic theory of Raman backscattering has been developed for a free-electron laser(FEL)with a helical wiggler and an ion channel guiding. The beam-frame linear dispersion equation and lab-frame spatial growth rate, which involves the coupling space-charge and radiation waves by the wiggler field, have been derived. A numerical computation of the growth rate for ion channel guiding has been made.

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