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Paper   IPM / Physic / 7242
School of Physics
  Title:   On Instantons and Zero Modes of N=1/2 SYM Theory
  Author(s):  A. Imaanpur
  Status:   Published
  Journal: JHEP
  Vol.:  09
  Year:  2003
  Pages:   077
  Supported by:  IPM
We study zero modes of N=1/2 supersymmetric Yang-Mills action in the background of instantons. In this background, because of a quartic antichiral fermionic term in the action, the fermionic zero modes are not in general solutions of the equations of motion. Hence, when there are fermionic solutions, the action is no longer minimized by instantons. By deforming the instanton equation in the presence of fermions, we write down the zero modes equations. The solutions satisfy the equations of motion, and saturate the BPS bound. The deformed instanton equations imply that the finite action solutions have U(1) connections which are not flat anymore.

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