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Paper   IPM / ILSF / 18033
  Title:   Shielding design aspects of SR in 3 GeV ILSF
1.  E. Salimi
2.  H. Beigzadeh Jalali
3.  F. Esfandi
  Status:   Published
  Year:  2023
  Supported by:  IPM
Iranian Light Source Facility (ILSF) is an under-construction synchrotron radiation accelerator consisting of a 150 MeV linac, a booster synchrotron operating from 150 MeV to 3 GeV, and a 3 GeV storage ring that stores a maximum of 400 mA current of electrons. As the stored beam circulates, a fraction of the beam is lost due to interactions with gas molecules, interactions among beam particles, and orbital bending, which produce radiation. The bulk shielding calculation for the ILSF and the input parameters used for this analysis are discussed in this paper. The potential of skyshine neutrons to cause radiation hazards is investigated as well. Moreover, the design and shielding simulation using the FLUKA Monte Carlo code is presented for the linac beam stop and primary and scattered gas bremsstrahlung for the first optics enclosure of the ILSF spectro microscopy beamline. Our designed radiation shielding system guarantees that the annual dose in all areas around the ILSF machine does not exceed the dose limit of 1 mSv.

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