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Paper   IPM / Astronomy / 18002
School of Astronomy
  Title:   Blind QSO reconstruction challenge: Exploring methods to reconstruct the Ly\alpha emission line of QSOs
1.  B. Greig
2.  S. E. I. Bosman
3.  F. B. Davies
4.  D. Durovcikova
5.  H. Fathivavsari
6.  B. Liu
7.  Y. Ting
8.  R. Meyer
9.  Z. Sun
10.  V. DOdorico
11.  S. Gallerani
12.  A. Mesinger
  Status:   Published
  Journal: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
  Year:  2024
  Pages:   30
  Supported by:  IPM
Reconstructing the intrinsic Ly�± line flux from high-z QSOs can place constraints on the neutral hydrogen content of the intergalactic medium during reionisation. There are now â?³10 different Ly�± reconstruction pipelines using different methodologies to predict the Ly�± line flux from correlations with the spectral information redward of Ly�±. However, there have been few attempts to directly compare the performance of these pipelines. Therefore, we devised a blind QSO challenge to compare these reconstruction pipelines on a uniform set of objects. Each author was provided de-identified, observed rest-frame QSO spectra with spectral information only redward of 1260�? rest-frame to ensure unbiased reconstruction. We constructed two samples of 30 QSOs, from X-Shooter and SDSS both spanning 3.5
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