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Paper   IPM / Astronomy / 17999
School of Astronomy
  Title:   universal early-time growth in quantum circuit complexity
1.  S. Shajidul Haque
2.  Gh. Ghadir
3.  Bret Underwood
  Status:   Published
  Journal: Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP)
  Year:  2024
  Pages:   32 pages
  Supported by:  IPM
We show that quantum circuit complexity for the unitary time evolution operator of any time-independent Hamiltonian is bounded by linear growth at early times, independent of any choices of the fundamental gates or cost metric. Deviations from linear early-time growth arise from the commutation algebra of the gates and are manifestly negative for any circuit, decreasing the linear growth rate and leading to a bound on the growth rate of complexity of a circuit at early times. We illustrate this general result by applying it to qubit and harmonic oscillator systems, including the coupled and anharmonic oscillator. By discretizing free and interacting scalar field theories on a lattice, we are also able to extract the early-time behavior and dependence on the lattice spacing of complexity of these field theories in the continuum limit, demonstrating how this approach applies to systems that have been previously difficult to study using existing techniques for quantum circuit complexity.

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