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Paper   IPM / Physic / 17898
School of Physics
  Title:   Spatiospectral control of spontaneous emission
1.  S.H. Asadpour
2.  M. Abbas
3.  H.R. Hamedi
4.  J. Ruseckas
5.  E. Paspalakis
6.  R. Asgari
  Status:   Published
  Journal: Phys. Rev. A
  Vol.:  110
  Year:  2024
  Pages:   023730
  Supported by:  IPM
We propose a scheme aimed at achieving spatiospectral control over spontaneous emission within a four-level atom-light coupling system interacting with optical vortices carrying orbital angular momentum (OAM). The atom comprises a ground level and two excited states coupled with two laser fields, forming a V subsystem where the upper states exclusively decay to a common fourth state via two channels. By investigating various initial states of the atom and considering the presence or absence of quantum interference in spontaneous emission channels, we analyze how the characteristics of the OAM-carrying vortex beam imprint onto the emission spectrum. The interplay between the optical vortex and the quantum system, including its environment modes, induces a wide variety of spatiospectral behavior, including two-dimensional spectral-peak narrowing, spectral-peak enhancement, spectral-peak suppression, and spontaneous emission reduction or quenching in the spatial azimuthal plane. Our findings shed light on the dynamics of atom–vortex-beam light interactions and offer insights into the manipulation of emission properties at the quantum level.

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