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Paper   IPM / M / 17866
School of Mathematics
  Title:   Surjectivity of word maps on special linear groups of degree 2
  Author(s):  Mojtaba Ramezan-Nassab (Joint with M. H. Bien and M. N. M. Trung)
  Status:   Published
  Journal: J. Algebra
  Vol.:  65
  Year:  2024
  Pages:   377-393
  Supported by:  IPM
Let K be an algebraically closed field of characteristic p ≥0. Assume F, F(1), F(2), and (F(1))p are the free group on n >1 generators, the first and second derived subgroups of F, and the subgroup of F(1) generated by all p-powers, respectively. In this paper, among other results, we show that for any word w∈F(1)\F(2)(F(1))p, the corresponding word map w:nPSL2(K) →PSL2(K) is surjective. We show that the class of such words wcontains, for instance, all (weakly) Engel words.

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