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Paper   IPM / Particles And Accelerator / 17863
School of Particles and Accelerator
  Title:   Entanglement of Purification as a Measure of Non-Conformality
  Author(s):  M Asadi
  Status:   Published
  Journal: Phys. Lett. B
  Vol.:  862
  Year:  2025
  Supported by:  IPM
We have studied the entanglement of purification $E_p$ in a non-conformal holographic model which is a five-dimensional Einstein gravity coupled to a scalar field $\phi$ with a non-trivial potential $V(\phi)$. The dual 4-dimensional gauge theory is not conformal and exhibits a RG flow between two different fixed points. There are three parameters including energy scale $\Lambda$, model parameter $\phi_M$ and temperature $T$ which control the behaviour of the theory. Interestingly, we have found that $E_p$ can be used as a measure to probe the non-conformal behaviour of the theory at both zero and finite temperature. Furthermore, we have found that if one consider two different mixed state characterized by distinct values of $\frac{\Lambda}{T}$, then the correlation between the subsystems of these states can be the same independent of $\frac{\Lambda}{T}$.

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