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Paper   IPM / Cognitive Sciences / 17823
School of Cognitive Sciences
  Title:   An improved saliency model of visual attention dependent on image content
1.  S. Novin
2.  A. Fallah
3.  S. Rashidi
4.  MR. Daliri
  Status:   Published
  Journal: Frontiers in Human Neuroscience
  Vol.:  16
  Year:  2023
  Supported by:  IPM
Many visual attention models have been presented to obtain the saliency of a scene, i.e., the visually significant parts of a scene. However, some mechanisms are still not taken into account in these models, and the models do not fit the human data accurately. These mechanisms include which visual features are informative enough to be incorporated into the model, how the conspicuity of different features and scales of an image may integrate to obtain the saliency map of the image, and how the structure of an image affects the strategy of our attention system. We integrate such mechanisms in the presented model more efficiently compared to previous models. First, besides low-level features commonly employed in state-of-the-art models, we also apply medium-level features as the combination of orientations and colors based on the visual system behavior. Second, we use a variable number of center-surround difference maps instead of the fixed number used in the other models, suggesting that human visual attention operates differently for diverse images with different structures. Third, we integrate the information of different scales and different features based on their weighted sum, defining the weights according to each component's contribution, and presenting both the local and global saliency of the image. To test the model's performance in fitting human data, we compared it to other models using the CAT2000 dataset and the Area Under Curve (AUC) metric. Our results show that the model has high performance compared to the other models (AUC = 0.79 and sAUC = 0.58) and suggest that the proposed mechanisms can be applied to the existing models to improve them.

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