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Paper   IPM / Nano-Sciences / 17738
School of Quantum Physics and Matter
  Title:   Active osmoticlike pressure on permeable inclusions
1.  Mahmoud Sebtosheikh
2.  Ali Naji
  Status:   Published
  Journal: Phys. Rev. E
  No.:  034607
  Vol.:  109
  Year:  2024
  Supported by:  IPM
We use a standard minimal active Brownian model to investigate the osmotic-like effective pressure generated by active fluids on fixed hollow inclusions. These inclusions are enclosed by a permeable (albeit nonflexible) membrane, and the interior and exterior regions of the inclusions have different particle motility strengths. We consider both rectangular and disklike inclusions and analyze the effects of various system parameters, such as excluded volume interaction between active particles, hardness of membrane, and active particle density, on the effective pressure produced on the enclosing membrane. We focus on the range of intermediate to high motility strengths and analyze the effective pressure in the steady state. Our findings for the active pressure produced in the interior and exterior regions of the inclusion indicate that the pressure is higher in the region with lower motility due to the relatively stronger accumulation of active particles.

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