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Paper   IPM / Physic / 15144
School of Physics
  Title:   On Complexity Growth with Lifshitz Scaling and Hyperscaling Violation
1.  M. Alishahiha
2.  A. Faraji Astaneh
3.  M.R. Mohammadi Mozaffar
4.  A. Mollabashi
  Status:   Published
  Journal: JHEP
  Vol.:  07
  Year:  2018
  Pages:   042
  Supported by:  IPM
Using complexity=action proposal we study the growth rate of holographic complexity for Lifshitz and hyperscaling violating geometries. We will consider both one and two sided black branes in an Einstein-Maxwell-Dilaton gravitational theory. We find that in either case Lloyd's bound is violated and the rate of growth of complexity saturates to a value which is greater than twice the mass of the corresponding black brane. This value reduces to the mass of the black brane in the isotropic case. We show that in two sided black brane the saturation happens from above while for one sided black brane it happens from below.

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