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Paper   IPM / Nano-Sciences / 11686
School of Quantum Physics and Matter
  Title:   Electronic quantum transport through inhomogeneous quantum wires
1.  F. Khoeini
2.  Ali Asghar Shokri
3.  H. Farman
  Status:   Published
  Journal: Physica E
  No.:  8
  Vol.:  41
  Year:  2009
  Pages:   6
  Publisher(s):   Elsevier B.V.
  Supported by:  IPM
n this work, we study electronic quantum transport properties of a quasi-one-dimensional inhomogeneous quantum wire attached to semi-infinite clean metallic leads, taking into account the influence of hopping parameter. The calculations are based on the tight-binding model and transfer matrix method, which the electron transmission probability of the system is analytically calculated. We then concentrate on localization length and density of states (DOS) with additional diagonal disorder for various strengths of the hopping parameters. Our results show that the transmission decreases when the wire length increases, or the hopping parameter reduces. Furthermore, we investigate the concentration influence of disorder on the localization properties in quasi-one-dimensional systems. Also, we found that the localization length is almost independent of the wire size, while it increases with the higher hopping parameter. By controlling the relevant parameters, such as disorder concentration, wire length and hopping parameters, the system can be tuned to yield either localized or extended states. The application of the predicted results may be useful in designing nano-electronic devices.

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