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Paper IPM / Physic / 11438 |
Abstract: | |||||||
We have investigated the zero and finite temperature behaviors of the anisotropic
antiferromagnetic Heisenberg XXZ spin-1/2 chain in the presence of a transverse
magnetic field (h).
The attention is concentrated on an interval of magnetic field between
the factorizing field (hf) and the critical one (hc).
The model presents a spin-flop phase for 0 < h < hf with an energy scale which
is defined by the long range antiferromagnetic order while it undergoes an
entanglement phase transition at h=hf.
The entanglement estimators clearly show that the entanglement is lost
exactly at h=hf which justifies different quantum correlations on both
sides of the factorizing field.
As a consequence of zero entanglement (at h=hf) the ground state is known exactly
as a product of single particle states which is the starting point for initiating a spin wave
The linear spin wave theory is implemented to obtain the specific heat and thermal
entanglement of the model in the interested region.
A double peak structure is found in the specific heat around h=hf which manifests
the existence of two energy scales in the system as a result of two competing orders
before the critical point.
These results are confirmed
by the low temperature Lanczos data which we have computed.
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